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况且要看管的太多。Also too much to watch.

况且,这个女子是一个异教徒。But this girl was a non-believer.

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况且那些东西是早已被人偷过了的。Stolen they had already been elsewhere.

况且,夏季满大街都在打折!Moreover, the summer full avenue are on sale!

况且,我也还没干完我从鬼门关回来该做的事。Anyway, I hadn't yet done what I'd come back to do.

况且我正在愁眉不展,你们要我谈些什么呢?Moreover, I am sad. What do you wish me to say to you?

况且在这里夫人和秋香姐都对我那么好。Anyway, Madam and Miss Chou-heung treat me so nice that.

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况且我也不想让吵闹的音乐把自己的耳朵振聋。Moreover I didn't want to be deafened by the loud music.

况且,我也不会去做鞋子的,因为我受不了胶水的味道。Besides, I don't do shoes. Can't stand the smell of glue.

况且我们应该体会父母的良苦用心。Besides, we ought to realize our parents' good intentions.

况且我只用内力改变了自己的脉象罢了。I just used my Kungfu to change my pulse only, no big deal.

况且,直到十九世纪我们才有了,精确的人口普查Also, we don't have accurate censuses until the 19th century.

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况且,直到十九世纪我们才有了,精确的人口普查。Also, we don't have accurate censuses until the 19th century.

况且,他可能还拥有拍摄范围顶级的照相机,这厮真是好运连连。And he probably had a top of the range camera too. Lucky sod.

况且,过去世界末日的预言往往基于宗教信仰。Past doomsday prophecies have often relied on religious beliefs.

况且,你已经见过那个女孩了,而且你也和她说过话了。And it's a girl that you've already met, you've already talked to.

况且偷地行窃,怎么会携带猎枪?Besides steal a ground of pilferage, how can take a hunting rifle?

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况且,凡事一经效仿,总不大妙,多少带点儿东施效颦的嫌疑。Moreover, it once to follow, always bad, how many a little hollow.

况且你的亲戚以利沙伯,在年老的时候,也怀了男胎。Your relative Elizabeth is old. And even she is going to have a child.

况且,现在墨墨怀孕了,我肯定要更加疼她了。Moreover, the ink ink has been pregnant now, I must even more love her.