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为明天的比赛而养精蓄锐吧。Save yourself for the game tomorrow.

养精蓄锐以应付今后你得去从事的繁重工作。Save your strength for the hard work you'll have to do later.

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他们在海滨疗养院养精蓄锐休养了两个星期。They replenished themselves in a seaside sanatorium for two weeks.

这就解释了为什么熊猫还过着一种慵懒迟顿,养精蓄锐的生活方式。This explains why pandas also evolved a sluggish, energy-conserving lifestyle.

日本将养精蓄锐,为入围2014年巴西世界杯而再次战斗。Japan will live to fight another day for a spot at the World Cup Brazil in 2014.

圣经告诉我们,身体需要一段时间的休息以便于养精蓄锐。The Bible teaches that your body needs downtime in order to heal and re-energize.

每天都养精蓄锐可以降低你的压力,让你成为更棒的人。Nurturing your spirituality daily can lower your stress levels and make you a better person.

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养精蓄锐是每天给自己空余更多时间的最好方法之一。Nurturing your spirituality is one of the best ways to sneak time in for yourself every day.

这是因为他要在骑士队最后一场在哥伦布对华盛顿奇才的比赛中养精蓄锐。The plan is for him to play in Cleveland's preseason finale Friday in Columbus against Washington.

对于辛勤工作了一周的上班族来说,周末应该是放松和养精蓄锐的大好时光。For those who have been working hard for a whole week, the weekend is a happy time for them to relax and refresh.

尽管经过两年的养精蓄锐,在对政局的把握和思想的连贯性上,她依旧表现得肤浅得令人忧心。Having had two years to raise her game, she continues to demonstrate an alarming lack of grip or coherence on policy.

接下来的日子,蟾蜍守在水中专心致志地捕食小虫子,籍以养精蓄锐。For a few days after getting into the water the toad concentrates on building up his strength by eating small insects.

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道贤问仁惠能否放弃了树立投资银行的幻想,仁惠说本人在养精蓄锐,在等机遇一点点成熟。Dao Yin asked RenHui can give up the investment bank's fantasy, set in RenHui said I got in a mature, such opportunities.

现在,教练们有了一个可以利用他人经验、养精蓄锐及加快学习的地方。Now coaches have a place where they can leverage the experience of others, recharge emotionally, and accelerate learning.

每天工作结束后,就是与同事一起吃晚饭,然后上床睡觉,为这个马拉松式的新闻报道的第二天养精蓄锐。The day ends sharing dinner with colleagues, and then on to sleep to ready for another day in this journalistic marathon.

适当进行自己喜欢的文体活动。调节情绪,消除疲劳,养精蓄锐,以稳定,饱满的情绪迎战。Proper conduct of their favorite sports activities. Regulation of mood, fatigue, recharge your batteries, a stable, full of emotional challenge.

美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马于本周一开始了其第一天的休假,趁机养精蓄锐,放松身心,除了打网球和高尔夫,他还要读厚厚的一摞书。US President Barack Obama waves as he walks with Dr. Eric Whitaker as they play golf during his vacation on Martha's Vineyard in Oak Bluffs, Mass.

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孤立自己——为了恢复活力。许多看似外向的人实则内向。如果你喜欢单独养精蓄锐,你需要经常把自己隔离。Isolate Yourself – to reenergize. Many seemingly extroverts are introverts. If you recharge when by yourself, you need to seek out isolation from time to time.

他已经航行两个小时了,这期间他靠在船尾歇息,有时从马林鱼身上撕下一片肉放在口中嚼,他正想休息一会儿,以便养精蓄锐时,有两条鲨鱼游来,他看见其中的第一条。He had sailed for two hours, resting in the stern and sometimes chewing a bit of the meat from the marlin, trying to rest and to be strong, when he saw the first of the two sharks.

美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马于本周一开始了其第一天的休假,趁机养精蓄锐,放松身心,除了打网球和高尔夫,他还要读厚厚的一摞书。US President Barack Obama on Monday got to work replenishing his mind, body and spirit, playing tennis and golf and taking on a hefty stack of books on his first full day of vacation.