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它们是我生命的烙印。They were my marks of life.

她的面孔在我的记忆留下了烙印。Her face burned into my memory.

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坐牢使他一生在心上留下了烙印。Prison has branded him for life.

你深深烙印在我心深处。You are imprinted in my deep heart.

把手烤焦了他的手掌,留下一个牛脚般的烙印。The handle seared his palm like a cattle brand.

泰勒制给企业文化打下了深深的烙印。Taylorism is etched deeply in corporate culture.

这头牛被烙印著农人姓名的首字母。The cattle are branded with the farmer's initials.

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牛仔在赶拢的牲口群中给100头小牛打烙印。The cowboys branded a hundred calves in the roundup.

牛在被赶进市场前,被打上烙印。The cattle are branded before being driven to the market.

这类观念似乎已在我们的文化中打下了深深的烙印。These seem to be the cultural beliefs we’re imprinted with.

我想他一定看出来我胸口上的那个猩红色的出轨烙印了。I was sure he could see the scarlet " A " burned to my chest.

你未雨绸缪的情绪。我用情极深的烙印。You save for a rainy day emotions. I used feeling deep imprint.

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这个危险而朦胧的原始世界已经深深地震撼了他的心灵,烙印在他的灵魂中。The danger and excitement of the primeval world suffuses his soul.

你将累积到无晚期费和没有不良的烙印,你的信用报告。You will accrue no late fee and no bad mark on your credit report.

他们可能有梦想,但“烙印”让他们止步不前。They may have dreams, but the “imprinting” keeps pulling them back.

这里可以不用心灵烙印铭文,消散铭文就可以。You don't really need Mind Sear glyph here , so stay with dispersion.

这个女演员饰演的所有角色都带着她那独一无二的性格烙印。The actress imprints her unique personality on all the roles she plays.

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我们服从社会和议定书,扼杀个人自由的烙印。We disobey social protocol that stifles and stigmatizes personal freedom.

你明白在你离开我之后,你的话仍将会烙印在我记忆中。You know your words will burn for ever in my memory after you've left me.

你深深烙印在我心深处。因为有你,我的生命充满了希望。You are imprinted in my deep heart. My life is full of hope because of you.