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开始和结束日期.Start and end date.

为什么截止日期会是这样呢?Why the cutoff date?

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日期和每天的时间。Date and time of day.

出生日期就是其一。Date of birth is one.

该表未注明日期。That form is undated.

你喜欢截止日期么?Do you love deadlines?

按照日期为每叠票据排序。Sort each pile by date.

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有四栏日期。There were four panels.

这个日期对你合适么?Will the date suit you?

按日期整理文件。Organize files by dates.

哪项是四蒂的出生日期?What is Siti's birth date?

首先,戳记携带一个日期。First, stamps carry a date.

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那么删除日期标签。Then remove the date stamp.

下面是落款和日期。Below are inscribe and date.

内置的日期数学函数。Built-in Date Math Function.

这本书没印出版日期。This book has no date on it.

他寄给我们一张填迟日期的支票。He send us a postdate cheque.

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每个证书都有过期日期。Each certificate has an expiry.

他记住了日期表。He memorised the list of dates.

你是如何应付截稿日期的?How do you cope with deadlines?