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王瀚你好!你的汉语佷地道!Your chinese is so good!

她是个地道的巫婆。She is a sure-enough hag.

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但是现在靠地道过活。But we live off the tunnels.

地道窝窝头脑袋!You really are a block-head!

我喜欢地道的中国菜。I like authentic Chinese food.

饱满、浑厚、地道英文的秘诀------用口腔的后半部分发音!Use the back part of you mouth!

嗬,这个词用得够地道啊。Ha, you used the word perfectly.

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她断断续续地道出了她的委屈。She hiccupped out her grievances.

他暴露出是一个地道的流氓。He has shown himself a very knave.

两人就这样依依不舍地道了别。They thus coming tunnel don ¡ x't.

他从看守的房间里的地道逃了出去…He tunneled out of my guard's room.

地道的出口开在隐秘的地方。The exit of the tunnel is concealed.

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作为一个地道的美国人你干得真不赖。As a crass american you do a good job.

这是一个很地道的表达。Saying is one thing and diong another.

唧唧喳喳地道着晚安。Hark, 'tis the sparrows' good-night twitter

他们通过挖掘地道进入,等待实施一次反攻。They were dug in, awaiting a counter-attack.

一口地道的伦敦腔,倍儿有面子。A typical cockney , time of son has the face.

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他向祖父大声地道晚安。He cried out a goodnight to his grand-father.

这家餐馆供应地道的川菜。This restaurant servers real Sichuan Cuisine.

在山上凿通了一条水车地道。A railroad tunnel was dug through the mountain.