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以便我们可以清除它们。So that we may clear them.

他正在练习演“哈姆雷特”以便临时代替别人。He is understudying Hamlet.

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以便得到理想的幅宽材料。To get ideal width materials.

他拼死拼活地干活以便买到属于他自己的住房。He slaved to get his own house.

显示该记录以便编辑。Display that record for editing.

他站了起来,以便于看得更清楚。He stood up so as to see better.

她用闸架扣住奶牛头部以便挤奶。She bailed a cow up for milking.

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用4125千赫兹以便通信。Use 4,125 kHz for communication.

用5680千赫兹以便通信。Use 5,680 kHz for communication.

我还需要油,以便火葬。I need oil as well, for the pyre.

他们把船拖上了岸以便救它。They beached the ship to save it.

他们把船翻过来以便进行修理。They canted the boat to repair it.

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她拨保险箱的暗码盘以便开锁。She dialled the numbers on the safe.

“允许”,以便修改项目级别组。Allow to modify a project-level group.

拿破仑部署他的军队以便作战。Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle.

啤酒榨出之后装在小桶里以便储存。The beer is racked in kegs for storage.

我需要一份工作,以便挣出糊口的钱。I need a job so I can make some cabbage.

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接球员跑动范围很宽,以便接到传球。The reciever ran wide to catch the pass.

螺旋桨的叶片在奋力地旋转以便让我们停留在空中。The rotors fought to keep us in the air.

右转30度以便识别。Turn right 30degrees for identification.