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这样我们就能得到一束射线。And so, we've got a beam.

射线路径呈圆弧状。The ray paths are circles.

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这可是真实存在的死亡射线。It's a real-life death ray.

有一条射线穿过了干草垛。There's ray going through the hay.

光射线对你的相机没有损伤。X-ray isn t harmful to your camera.

血管造影是一种X射线测试。An angiogram is a kind of X-ray test.

如果伽玛射线可见,那会是怎样呢?What if you could "see" in gamma-rays?

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X射线扫描仪是蓝色的,而且有两个平面的侧壁。The X-ray type is blue and has two walls.

蒸汽、可消毒的伽玛和的e射线。EtO, steam, gamma and e-beam sterilizable.

这展示的是X射线,他使用X射线。Here it is showing x-rays. He used x-rays.

看周围的天空。被射线照得发紫。See the sky surrounded. Bruised with rays.

我们用X射线透视物质。We beamed the X-rays through the material.

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对婴儿的全身X射线照射已经做了。Full-body X-rays of babies are rarely done.

晒黑床两种射线都产生。Tanning beds produce both UVA and UVB rays.

腋下和X射线居住在美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀市。Armpit and X-Ray are living in Austin, Texas.

木射线中等,显微镜下宽2-6个细胞。Medium-ray, under the microscope W 2-6 cells.

并通过X射线衍射结果证实了试验结果。It is also approved by the results of the XRD.

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唯一的金牌,我知道我的一天萧恩射线。The only jerk I knew from my day was Shawn Ray.

对X射线粉末衍射进行了指标化。X-ray powder diffraction patterns were indexed.

冷冻射线!冷冻射线!冷冻射线!哈哈哈。Freeze ray! Freeze ray! Freeze ray! Ah-ha-ha-ha.