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别在你的网站上唱反调。Do not neglect this on your site.

我们哪敢跟中央政府唱反调。We dare not oppose the central government.

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不论我做什么,他总是要和我唱反调。No matter what I do , he always kick aganist.

在我走的每一步当中我已经遇到很多唱反调的。I've faced lots of naysayers every step of the way.

接受建设性的批评,但是忽略那些老唱反调的人。Accept constructive criticism, but ignore naysayers.

他在那些方面和亚里士多德唱反调呢?what was he trying to un-throne, dethrone in Aristotle?

如果说产能不过剩,摆明了是跟工信部唱反调。If no overcapacity, it is clear that it is disgreeing with MIIT.

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跟人家唱反调,你是在自找争吵。Joe often gets into fights because he is always looking for trouble.

现在开始喜欢唱反调以及挑战自己寻找积极面。Now, start playing Devil's Advocate and challenge yourself to find the positive.

做一个唯唯诺诺的人非常不好,但这不意味着你应时常与你的上司唱反调。Being a yes man is bad, but that doesn’t mean you should constantly disagree with your boss.

当时有些看好中国电影的人认为,到2010年,中国电影业产值会增至2005年的三倍,不过唱反调的人却大摇其头。China bulls speculated that its industry might triple by 2010, while naysayers shook their heads.

如果有任何和这个自然界唱反调的性行为,那无疑就是这种天主教的僧侣生活。If any sexual behaviour is out of tune with the natural world, it is surely that of the priesthood.

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我们的内幕人员说这会证明那些唱反调的或者顽固不化的人是错的,谁说少数民族不能做大事了。Our insiders say it would prove all the naysayers and bigots wrong that a minority can't do the job.

如果中国能够对唱反调者更加宽容,那么中国的软文化力量将能够更好地发展壮大。If China would ease up on all its dissidents, its soft power would stand a far better chance of growing.

于是这样跟布什、布莱尔或者布朗唱反调便成了呆瓜的“激进批评术”。So saying just the opposite of what Bush or Blair or Brown says becomes the simpleton's 'radical critique'.

但是仍然有其他人谁需要高兴,因为兰草音乐不能唱唱反调!However there are still others who need to be pleased and because bluegrass music cant sing a different tune!

然而,将信将疑,爱唱反调也并不一定是件坏事。Less trust and more cantankerousness might not necessarily be a bad thing, however, Hamann and his group wrote.

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当你故意唱反调时,你所说的并非出于真心,而只是为了引发辩论或讨论。When you play devil's advocate you say things you do not really believe just to start an argument or discussion.

只有在报纸上你才能说类似于“我出生在马年,这就是为什么我爱唱反调。”Only on the newspaper can you say things like "I was born in the year of the horse, that is why I am a naysayer."

而且,虽然大唱反调的女人也蛮有意思,但男人总体还是希望女人能够尊重他们的想法并分享他们的好恶的。Moreover, while opposites may attract, men want women to respect his beliefs and preferably share his likes and dislikes.