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我喜欢高大强壮而又有统治力的精壮的中后卫。I love my centre backs to be big, beefy and dominant.

假期里你精壮什么?我将姑且赐顾帮衬我妹妹。What will you do in the vacation? I will look after my younger sister temporarily.

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从明年开始,20—24岁的精壮劳动力将持久地大幅度下降。Beginning next year the abled bodied work force aged 20-24 will permanently decrease by a large margin.

一个红润的、精壮的老太太,不论什么天气什么季节她都兴致勃勃,看样子要比她的孩子活得还长久。A ruddy and lusty old dame, who delights in all weathers and seasons, and is likely to outlive all her children yet.

根据我的经验,身材精壮一点的雄性红尾蟒比身材肥长凶猛的雄性红尾蟒更容易交配成功。In my experience , a small sexually mature male is more likely to be an effective breeder than a larger more powerful male.

她有点神经质,都是因为有很多精壮的男人找她看病,其实却没有病。She was somehow nervous because quite a few robust guys went to her for their illness but they actually were not ill at all.

当然,精壮的身体可以增强你的自信,让你感觉更富魅力,另外,对你的性生活也会大有裨益。Of course, a leaner body can boost your confidence and help you feel more attractive, which could also improve your sex life.

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在死亡面前,在世界中锻鍊的精壮自我破碎了,使我们得以超越自我而接近真正自我的存有。In the face of death, our strong well-trained ego is broken, and we surpass this ego and get closer to the real being of our self.

一瞬间,那个精壮的男人就扑到了那个东西上面,在肾上腺素的刺激下一轮拳头和头槌的猛击,让那个生物很快就软趴趴地摊在了地板上。At once, the fierce man was on the thing, a rush of fists and head butts and adrenalin, and the creature was quickly reduced to a broken, huddled mess on the floor.

这都是亚设的子孙,都是族长,是精壮大能的勇士,也是首领中的头目,按着家谱计算,他们的子孙能出战的共有二万六千人。All these were descendants of Asher-heads of families, choice men, brave warriors and outstanding leaders. The number of men ready for battle, as listed in their genealogy, was 26,000.

这都是亚设的子孙,都是族长,是精壮大能的勇士,也是首领中的头目,按着家谱计算,他们的子孙能出战的共有二万六千人。All these were descendants of Asher-heads of families, choice men, brave warriors and outstanding leaders. The number of men ready for battle, as listed in their genealogy, was 26, 000.