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所有制是生产关系的基础。Ownership is the basis of productive relationship.

资本主义生产关系在中国的命运是多舛的。The fate of capitalist production relations in China is tortuous.

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管理模式是生产关系的具体体现。Management mode is the concrete reflection of production relations.

为了实现这一目标,他不断变革生产关系。For this aim, he constantly transformed the productive relationship.

和谐社会内在地要求生产关系和谐。A harmonious society demands a harmonious production relationship inherently.

马克思产权理论的意义就在于揭示了资本主义生产关系的总和。Marxist theory of property unveils the essence of capitalist production relations.

这是生产力发展对生产关系的反作用。This is productivity those who expand pair of relations of production is counteractive.

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首先,“着佃交粮”并未改变当时农村社会生产关系,特别是土地所有权关系的现状。First, it did not change any rural social relationship at all, especially land owner right.

社会主义市场经济是市场经济与社会主义生产关系的统一。Socialist market economy is the combination of market economy and socialist productive relations.

所有制是生产关系的基础,它从根本上决定一个国家的社会性质。Ownership system is the sum of productive relations, it determines the social nature of a country.

在马克思社会批判理论的建构中,对资本主义生产关系的批判构成了理论立足点。The critique of relations of production is the theoretical foothold of Marx's social critical theory.

马克思指出,资本的来源是原始积累,即原始剥夺,资本主义生产关系的实质是剥削。Marx pointed out that the origin of capital is its primitive accumulation, namely primitive deprivation.

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最近,他担任的是安泰副总裁,负责大宗销售和生产关系、产品与营销。Most recently, he was Vice President, Large Case Sales and Producer Relations, Product & Marketing, at Aetna.

实现工业化的前提条件是需要有相应的生产关系变革或进行制度创新。The premise to realize the industrialization involves relevant production relation reform and system innovation.

明代资本主义生产关系的出现,新兴的市民阶层诞生并发展壮大,市民文学繁荣。The germination of capitalism in Ming Dynasty brings to the upspring of civil social stratum and civil literature.

个体所有制的生产关系与大量供应是完全冲突的。Abundant supplies and the relations of production under individual ownership are utterly incompatible with each other.

收入分配是生产关系的重要内容,也是社会再生产过程的重要环节。Income and distribution are important contents of production relation and are important links of social re-production.

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同时,它减缓了人口压力和阶级矛盾,促使封建生产关系进行调整。It also relieves the pressure of population and class contradictions, and forces the relations of production to change.

北宋中后期,在汉地农业文明的影响下,这些蕃部地区的封建生产关系有了一定程度的发展。Under the influence of the agriculture civilization of Han nationality, Fan-tribes' feudal relations of produce had developed.

随着生产关系从而整个社会关系的改变,人类将进入知识社会。As productive relationship and all the social relationships are changed, human beings will advance into knowledge-based society.