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我浑身刺痒。I itch all over.

由于花粉的过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My e itch.

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由于花粉过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My eyes itch.

当它在前面大吃时,后面却刺痒难受。But while it's eating at the front, it is being tickled behind.

白度好,手感柔软,无麻类纤维的刺痒感。The fibre whiteness is better and lofty, has no bast-fibre scratchiness.

迅速解决皮肤红点、刺痒、充血、红血丝、肿胀等症状。Rapidly solve the problems such as red spots, itch, bloody threads and swelling.

简要阐述苎麻织物刺痒感产生的原因,探讨酶柔处理以降低其刺痒感的方法。This paper has briefly introduced cause that leads to the scratchiness of ramie fabric.

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这阵子咳嗽,直叫他静脉贲张,脚脖子也刺痒起来。His veins had swelled with the effort of the cough, and the varicose ulcer had started itching.

但是因苎麻纤维结晶度高,刚性大,粗糙坚硬,有较强的刺痒感。However, due to the high crystallinity, rigidness and roughness of ramie fiber, it had strong prickle.

在手术当天你会觉得眼睛有刺痒感,并且可能会流很多眼泪。You will feel irritation and scratchiness in the eye on the day of surgery. Your eyes may water a lot.

躺在地上,不知不觉睡着了,忽然,小草刺痒了我的面颊,才醒来。Lying on the ground, unconsciously fell asleep, and suddenly, grass prickle my cheek before they wake up.

在使用过程中,皮肤因吸收氧气会有轻微刺痒的感觉,不属过敏现象。In the use of process, skin will have slight itching feeling for absorption of oxygen, it's not allergic phenomenon.

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文章主要研究了人体在静态和运动后,羊毛纱线表面毛羽直径对精纺羊毛针织物刺痒感的影响。In this paper, the influences of yarn surface fibers diameter on the prickle of worsted wool knitted fabric were studied.

息者常常感到咽部不舒服、干像、有灼热、徽痛、刺痒感。The rest felt frequently swallows not comfortably, the qian diagram representing the heavens, to have, the emblem pain, the itch feeling scalding hot.

毛丝交织物同时具有羊毛和蚕丝的许多优良特性,但由于羊毛纤维的刚性较大,使织物有刺痒感,而且易起毛起球。The interweave fabric of wool and silk has some excellent properties, while it has scratchiness and pilling propensity because of wool fiber's rigidity.

采用纤维素酶对其进行减量整理,使织物表面毛羽变软,从而达到改善手感、消除刺痒的的目的。The cellulose enzyme can be used to deweighting treatment, thus softening the surface hairiness of the fabric, improving the hand and eliminating the itchy feeling.

结合硅油整理,织物刺痒感基本消除,柔软度增加,基本达到服用性能的要求。The prickle was basically eliminated and the flexibility was increased by finishing with silicone oil, which basically met the requirements of the wearing property.

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毛织物产生刺痒感是由于粗硬毛羽对表皮下层神经末梢的机械刺激所引起的生理反应。The prickle sensation produced by wool fabrics is due to the hard hairiness to cuticle lower the bottom of nerve mechanical stimulation caused by physiological responses.

本论文主要研究纱线表面毛羽、羊毛处理方法和针织物的覆盖系数等对羊毛衫领圈刺痒感的影响,目的是指导男士羊毛衫领圈材料的选用。In this thesis, the influences of the yarn surface fibers, wool treatment and cover factor of knitted fabric on the prickle of wool knitted sweaters' collars were studied.

多表现为眼睑皮肤炎症及结膜充血、水肿,或有刺痒、异物感。④化学物致眼部中毒病变。Much performance is palpebral skin inflammation and conjunctiva hyperaemia , oedema, or itchy, eyewinker feels. ④ chemical content sends eye department toxic pathological changes.