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他的工作是为陆军募兵。His job was to recruit for the army.

为了逃避募兵,那个人躲到山里去了。The man fled to the mountains to avoid the conscription.

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我们芬兰的确有募兵活动,但现如今那已经称不上是一支军队了。It is true that we have conscription in Finland, but it isn´t an army anymore these days.

对“荒年募兵”等学界存在争论的问题,本文也进行了探讨。The article also discussed the argumentative question of the conscription in the lean years.

宋代确立了募兵制度,实行养兵政策。The Song Dynasty established the Mercenary System, and carried out the policy of raising army.

迪堡说,伊拉克的战事造成对兵源的需求促使募兵人员「更努力,也更有策略的进行任务。」Dibble said that manpower demands caused by the Iraq war are forcing recruiters to work "harder and smarter."

个堡垒、战舰或设有大型军火武力之基地。有可能指军队驻扎区或募兵处。Landmark fort, base, ship or other large armed forces installation. May be an occupation or military recruitment site.

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小海军在许多方面都有著卓式喜剧的影子,他的外貌像是海军募兵的漫画,也像是虚构电影广告海报中的人物。Liu Ye's love for the tragic-comic is evident in his portrait of the child-sailor, who is indeed in many ways Chaplinesque.

建安年间,募兵逐渐取代义务兵成为军队的主要成分。In Jian an period of Han Dynasty, conscript soldiers replaced gradually compulsory soldiers and became the main body of the army.

美军一九一七年的那张募兵海报脍炙人口,海报上山姆叔叔摆出的姿势,就是模仿基钦纳的海报。Kitchener's poster spawned, in 1917, the famous recruitment poster for the United States army, which showed Uncle Sam in a similar pose.

「你不能期待立刻就有成果,」负责纽约州西部高中募兵业务的迪堡说。「这份工作辛苦得很。」"You can't expect immediate results" says dibble who oversees high school recruiting efforts in western new york state. "It's very hard work. "

但是有其他学者怀疑LIFG的作用,他们指出,这些募兵模式更像是临时的部落或穆斯林社团下的成果。But other scholars have questioned LIFG's role, suggesting that such recruitment patterns are more likely the result of ad hoc tribal or mosque networks.

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旧金山联合学区改变战术,转而教育家长,提醒他们可以提出书面要求,不要把自己孩子的姓名或住址透露给军方募兵员知道。The district shifted instead to educating parents on how they can request in writing not to have their child's name or address released to any recruiters.

然而,在作出最终决定前,他需要了解该计划更多的详细情况,包括美军是否要降低征兵标准,籍此来扩大征兵规模。美军参谋长皮特盖伦曾表示,快速扩军需要加快募兵和重新征召更多老兵。However, before a final approval, he would like to know more about the details of the plan, including whether the Army has to lower its recruiting standards in exchange for growth in size.