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对我来说,我想学生物学,For me, I want to do Biology,

当你学生物学的时候,where you're studying Biology,

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我还选了生物学和化学!I did take Biology and Chemistry!

喜树幽斑螟生物学特性的研究。Studies on the Bionomics of Pyla sp.

人类的眼睛是生物学上的奇迹。The human eye is a biological marvel.

生物学是研究生物的学科。Biology is the study of living things.

这是生物学文摘预览数据库所在的网页。This is a web page of BIOSIS Previews.

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优生学具有生物学上的意义。Eugenics has a biological significance.

在生物学上翻译是怎么发生的呢How does translation occur biologically?

生物学和化学是我最厌恶的两个学科。Biology and chemistry are my bete noires.

生物学是对生物的研究。Plankton and nekton are pelagic organisms.

又一次生物学上的小失误。Just another closed-end biological mistake.

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这里面也可能有生物学上的原因。There could be biological reasons for this.

但这对生物学来说不可实现,”马斯洛夫说道。But it’s impossible in biology,” Maslov said.

这个分为生物学年龄和实足年龄。There's biological age and chronological age.

但这对生物学来说不可实现,”马斯洛夫说道。But it’s impossible in biology, ” Maslov said.

这些生物学上的问题是非常重要的So these biological things are very important.

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花芽萌动的生物学零度为0℃。The temperature of flower bud sprouting is 0℃.

意识的生物学基础是什么?What is the biological basis of consciousness?

空化效应是超声的主要生物学效应之一。Cavitation is one of ultrasound chief bioeffects.