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夫人,光天化日之下你想玩死我啊?Madam, please don't fool me.

为什么他要在光天化日低下呢?Why do it there in broad daylight?

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他们在光天化日之下就抢劫银行。They robbed the bank in broad daylight.

去年,我在光天化日之下遭到抢劫。I was robbed in broad daylight last year.

盗匪在光天化日之下,洗劫银行。The robbers struck the bank in broad daylight!

他们在光天化日之下抢劫珠宝商店。They robbed the jewelry store in broad daylight.

他们竟敢在光天化日之下犯这种罪行。They even committed such crimes in broad daylight.

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光天化日下你竟拿着枪追着两个人。You're chasing two men with a gun in broad daylight.

但这个世界的光天化日是不会看到我们在一起的!But the daylight of this world shall not see our meeting!

在无情的光天化日下,这个事实是确凿无疑的。The fact stood out cut in stetl on the pitiless daylight.

为什么让人质在光天化日之下活跃在伊利市?Why send a hostage hopping around Erie in broad daylight?

邻居在光天化日之下裸体跳舞和嗑药。And the neighbors were dancing outside coked out and naked.

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她不相信有人会光天化日之下侵犯一个女人。She believed no one would attack a woman in broad daylight.

所以现在光天化日之下的抢劫被称为征服?So nowadays mugging in broad daylight are called conquest. ?

虽然我们尚未处在光天化日之下,但至少我们看到了曙光。We are not yet in broad daylight, but at least we see the dawn.

这男子胆大包天,居然在中午光天化日下偷钱。The man must be as bold as brass to have stolen money at mid-day.

楼在光天化日的西贡大街上朝那人头部开枪。Loan shot the man in the head in broad daylight on the street in Saigon.

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毒品交易经常毫无遮掩的在光天化日之下进行。Drug deals are often conducted openly, without even a pretense of cover-up.

八月二十一号,梵高的作品在光天化日之下于马哈茂德·哈利勒博物馆被盗。The Van Gogh painting was stolen in broad daylight from the Mahmud Khalil museum on 21 August.

光天化日之下还感觉安全一些,于是我们下了车,在附近溜达,看看洗劫后留下的残迹。In the daylight it felt safe, so we got out and walked around a little, looking at the riot’s wreckage.