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伤收口了。The wound has healed.

他肩膀上的伤口开始收口了。The wound in his arm has begun to close up.

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不要穿着打褶的和收口的裤子。Do not wear pleated pants or narrow-cut pants.

下摆收口自然卷边,随性自由。Bottom edge, with full-flavoured natural sexual freedom.

好像伤没有收口,苦味在舌间。Like unhealed wound, the bitterness still can be tasted.

并论述了收口阻力特征和收口时间选取的原则。Selective principle of reefed drag area and time reefed is discussed.

收口带有一丝锡的味道,但经过橡木桶陈酿即会消失。A bit tinny on the finish but that should disappear with barrel ageing.

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饱满的果味最为明显,还微微透出一点香料和奶油的香味,收口悠长。The primary fruit flavors are complimented by a hint of spice and cream.

在年底前,棕收口老板,他们走很长的路,在杜兰的组织。In the end, brown-nosing the boss goes a long way in Dolan's organization.

通过工艺试制,优化设计后的热收口模具明显提高了使用寿命。The life of die after optimization is obviously increased by process test.

本机利用夹头将瓶盖收口,紧固于瓶口凸缘上。The machine uses the clamp to close the cap and fasten it on the edge of bottle mouth.

西装夹克没有收口和褶皱的搭配,实在太庄重而且看起来头重脚轻的感觉。The suit jacket is simply too imposing and will look top-heavy without the pleat or the cuff.

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入口柔顺,风格鲜明,带有梅鹿的甜美果味,收口悠长。The palate is soft and stylish with superbly ripe Merlot fruit, leading to a long, sweet finish.

初品有浓郁的李子的香气,再品会发现樱桃的味道蕴含其中,收口柔软平滑,是一款非常容易入口的桃红葡萄酒。Rich and plummy on the palate, this easy drinking rose wine has cherry undertones and a soft, smooth finish.

并对国产HTY-4型弹射座椅装备了收口的救生-13型伞后的性能进行了估算。The character of chinese-built HTY-4 ejection seat with imaginary reefed recovery parachute JS-13 is estimated.

呈红宝石色,质感很好,成熟水果味道,收口味道复杂,酒已经成熟。Red ruby color, good texture, ripe red fruit on palate, it has a complicated finish. The wine is already mature.

初品有浓郁的李子的香气,再品会发现樱桃的味道蕴含其中,收口柔软平滑,是一款非常容易入口的桃红葡萄酒。Rich and plummy on the palate, this easy drinking rose wine has deep cherry undertones and a soft, smooth finish.

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每条玉子豆腐平均切成4件,放牛肉片中捲成筒状,收口处洒少许粟粉封口。Cut each egg tofu into 4 portions, roll each portion with few slices of beef, seal the edges with some cornstarch.

我们可以往打开的牛奶盒里加一点盐来保持其新鲜,加盐后小心把盒子收口并轻摇使其混合。Keep it fresh longer by adding a pinch of salt to the carton, pinching the spout closed and gently shaking to mix.

口感是纯净的令人垂涎的果味,而收口却及其清新爽脆。With great purity of fruit flavours, the palate is mouth-wateringly juicy yet finishes with a refreshing crispness.