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创业家必须要成为通才。Entrepreneurs have to be generalists.

我喜欢成为通才的这种观念。I love the idea of being a generalist.

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通才需具备多方面才能,且勇于面对失败。Generalists need to be versatile and open to failure.

他们要他们的孩子接受通才教育。LIBERAL】They want their children to have a liberal education.

这是一个专才吃香而通才无用的时代。This is an era in which specialists thrive and generalists do not.

通才教育思想是其教育思想的核心。Liberal education is the essential part of his educational thought.

在我看来,成为专家和通才都是必要的。In my opinion, it is necessary to become both specialist and generalist.

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成功的产品经理当然也不大可能是个通才。Product managers do not need to excel in every aspect of their job to be successful.

第六章揭示了梅贻琦通才教育思想的现实意义。Chapter Six tries to reveal the practical or immediate significance of Mei's thought.

在“通才”基因方面的研究能够导致神经病学研究的极大进步。Studies on generalist genes could lead to important advances in neurological research.

有通才有达,纵横捭阖的道路网络,引导旺盛的商业流通。The road network extending in all directions will pave the way to prosperous business.

专才教育与通才教育是两种基本的教育模式。Special education and general education are two fundamental models of education nowadays.

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文理学院是专门注重学生的通才教育的学校。Liberal arts colleges are schools that focus on a comprehensive undergraduate academic experience.

两个世纪以来,科学越来越专业化,OIST践行的理念再一次科学引回了通才之路。After two centuries of science becoming more and more specialised, the idea is to bring back the generalist.

“通才教育”的思想到“通才教学”的实践,不可缺少的载体是“通才课程”。And generalist curriculum palys much more important role in the ideas for generalist education and its practice.

当今社会对基本素质、知识面广,且专业技能精的“通才型”人才的需求量越来越大。In morden society, the versatile persons with basic ability, wide knowledge and exquisite professional skill is very scanty.

它噗通一声落在琼恩雪诺胸口上,两爪乱扒一通才立住。“雪诺!”它扑着翅膀直冲他脸上嘶叫。It landed on Jon Snow's chest with a thump and a scrabbling of claws. "SNOW! " it screamed into his face, flapping its wings.

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呈现在我们面前的是一对急于把他们的小女儿培养成为一个通才的夫妻。What is delineated in front of us is a pair of parents who are eager to cultivate their little child into a well-rounded person.

根据Plomin的观点,这种“通才”基因与语言和数学的学习障碍有关,甚至还与空间和记忆的功能有关。According to Plomin, these 'generalist' genes can be linked to language and math disorders, and even spatial and memory functions.

西南联大成为一所人才辈出、蜚声中外的高等学府,其主要原因之一是秉持并实践了通才教育的办学理念。Southwest associated university is a top school which brings up lots of talented people and is famous not only in China but overseas.