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期待它。Expect it.

你在期待什么?。What didy expect?

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他们期待什么?What do they expect?

我期待着去崂山。I look forward to it.

但是,你期待的是什么呢?But what do you expect?

我期待你的归来。I hope your coming back.

我们可以翘首期待。We can expect much more.

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我们期待您届时参与。We hope to see you there.

我期待着你的成功。I anticipate your success.

我可以多常期待听到您的?I expect to hear from you?

让我们期待这一切将会结束。Let's hope it will finish.

我也没有期待他会。Nor would I expect him to.

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我对你们也有所期待。I have expectations of you.

期待你的好消息!Waiting fou your good news!

我们期待他们撤军。We expect them to withdraw.

大家早就翘首期待这一切的到来。All of this is long overdue.

他充满期待地望着她。He looks expectantly at her.

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可以。期待合作愉快。Fine. Hope cooperation happy.

期待尽快收到您的回复。I look forward to your reply!

期待你将我带向远方。I'll expect you with me away.