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挪用公款罪的主体。Main body of defalcation.

其主体是一个表达式。Its body is an expression.

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它们不应有任何方法主体。There should be no method body.

定义主体公共文档类型。Defines the body public doctype.

定义主体系统文档类型。Defines the body system doctype.

下面是这个函数的主体。Next comes the body of the function.

宋学的主体是什么?Song to learn the main What is this?

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这个成为主体,这一项消失。This dominates, this term goes away.

好是主体的私意的表达。It is the expression of subjectivity.

原子的主体带正电荷。So, the bulk of the atom is positive.

但这个更大的神秘主义主体是什么?But, what is that larger mystical body?

主体是单数还是复数?I. 1 Is the subject singular or plural?

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它是主体的私意的表达。It is the subject's private expression.

其二是关于主体资格。Second about the subject qualification.

其中正殿规模最大,是主体建筑。The primary hall is the largest building.

写作是主体由内而外的倾吐、创造。Writing is to unbosom oneself and create.

但是主体建筑仍未做改善。But the main building remained unimproved.

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主体和分组是实体的一种。Principals and groups are types of entity.

销售胶粘剂为主体的公司。Sales of the company as the main adhesive.

用玻璃胶或水泥固定主体。Use glass glue or cement to fix main body.