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我冷声反诘道,“我担心她做什么?"I the cold voice counter-question a way, " am I anxious that what she does?

反诘问句的用意在让人注意后续的陈述。A rhetorical question is intended to draw attention to a subsequent statement.

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至于反诘问句,我想先问清楚,你的文章中的反诘问句有正确使用吗?As for employing rhetorical questions, my first response is to ask, do you really mean questions— plural?

在语义上,该类句子反诘的侧重点在于方式、条件,而非陈述之主体。In semantic content, the rhetorical question focuses on manners and conditions rather than declarative themes.

第六章主要考察了汉韩反诘语气副词的表述功能、传信功能和否定功能。On the basis of that, this chapter compares the semantic differences of rhetorical mood adverbs in Chinese and Korean.

反诘问句是种文学技巧,能将想法有效地分类、组织,进而使表达更有条理。It is a literary device that can effectively help bracket and, thus, organize and facilitate orderly expression of thoughts.

有些教授觉得文章不该出现任何反诘问句,有些则认为可以藉反诘问句引入重点。While some professors frown on any use of rhetorical questions, others appreciate the power of such a question to introduce a point.

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汉韩反诘语气副词在条件、假设、递进、转折等关系的复句中具有连接小句功能。The seventh chapter analyzes the clause- coherent function and textual -cohesive function of Chinese and Korean rhetorical mood adverbs.

反诘是汉语的一种常见用法,也要求留学生能正确理解并能在交际中得体运用。Ask in retort are a common usage in Chinese, it also requires students to understand correctly and to use appropriately in communication.

第二部分分析“怎么”的非疑问用法,主要分析了“怎么”的虚指、任指、感叹、反诘四种非疑问用法。The second chapter analysis non-question usage of Zenmo , the implicit meanings, exclamation and counter with a question of non-question usage of Zenmo.

当然,有人会立刻反诘说,我不了解这话的确切意义,而且我必得承认,我不能提出“上帝”一语的适当定义。Of course, it will be objected at once that I do not know precisely what I mean by this and I must admit that I cannot produce an adequate definition of the word "God".

从句中的位置分布上,汉韩反诘语气副词的位置比较灵活,多数成员可以位于句首和句中,有的还可以位于句末或独用。From distribution, Chinese and Korean rhetorical mood adverbs are mainly used in rhetorical sentence but they can also be used in interrogative sentence and indicative sentence.

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反诘问句,即反问句,也有上述四种格式,只是多用是非问和特指问格式,选择问和正反问用得少。例如。The tag question, namely the rhetorical question, also has the four format, just use yes no questions and special questions format, select and use less ask questions. For example.

本文通过句法、语义和语用描写,运用替换、省略等方法考察了反诘语气副词的功能。The thesis investigates the function of the interrogative adverbs by means of the syntax, semantic and pragmatic description, and with the methods of replacement and ellipsis etc.

同时还对“语气”以及“反诘语气”的概念进行了界定,并分析了汉韩语言学界对两个概念的认识上的异同。Meanwhile, the thesis defines the two concepts of"mood"and"rhetorical mood"and made an analysis on the cognitive differences of Chinese and Korean linguists towards these two concepts.