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但是他改变了。But he changed.

改变一个习惯。Change one habit.

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~改变体位。Change positions.

它能否改变?And can it change?

改变自己味蕾。Taste buds change.

改变思维定势。Change the mind-set.

改变你的模式。Change your pattern.

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不能改变到根目录。Cannot CHDIR to root.

这种状况并不因你的善行而有所改变。That had not changed.

为什么会改变学习方向了?What made you change?

要改变弹药筒么?A change of cartridge?

即使是改变大的部件。And even bigger parts.

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但它是怎么改变的呢?But how did it change?

但这也可以改变。But this could change.

承袭的传统可以改变。The legacy can change.

它们一直没有改变。They have not changed.

可是我的爱永没有改变。But never doubt I love.

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他能改变他的处事方式么?Can he change his ways?

改变低限警报值?Change Low Alarm limit?

我选择彻底改变。I chose radical change.