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书册们在窃窃私语。The books are whispering.

就像那书册中有意识的生命。Was like the conscious being of the book.

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我给你我的书册中可能拥有的任何洞察力。I offer you whatever insight my books may hold.

他们的精神被载入书册,传于四海。Their spirit is carved in books and handed down within the Four Seas.

在旅途中,翻开书册,逐页累积笔触。On the road, I opened my book and accumulated my strokes page by page.

第三部分探索高中书册阅读教学教材形态。Textbook form of high school's books-reading is explored on the third part.

诚然,来自书册上的常识也是名贵的,并且越多越好。admittedly, knowledge gained from books is also valuable and the more the better.

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每一卷书册都链子束缚在书架上,只能用主管图书馆员的钥匙开启。Each volume is chained to the shelves, only removable by the master librarian's key.

这些无价的书册能够帮助人们正确地发音及了解文法重点。These invaluable books can provide help with pronunciation as well as grammar points.

携带作品可以为影集册、书册或数码格式。You can bring your work in the form of a hardcopy portfolio, a book or digital format.

第二部分就高中书册阅读教学课程形态提出构想。On the second part, it deals with the curriculum form of the high school's books-reading.

我一如既往地翻阅我心爱的书册,后来又上网。I enjoyed as always reading my favorite book and switched to surf the internet afterwards.

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书册教育在我国从古到今不乏先例。Chinese book education has several precedents in our country from ancient times to the present.

“查达”案看来好像使在当时已载入书册的近200种立法否决策略全部无效。Chadha appeared invalidate all of the nearly 200 legislative veto devices that were then on the books.

国外书册阅读教学有许多成功的经验值得我们借鉴。The successful experiences of teaching of classic works reading in foreign countries deserve our study.

与以往的课外书册阅读指导相比,两者的区别在于阅读方式的变化。Comparing with article education, the difference between two originates in changes of the text of reading.

第一部分阐明了实施高中语文书册教育的缘由。Part one clarifies the reason why Chinese book education for senior middle school student must be carried out.

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您的影集、盒子、文件夹或书册必须非常坚固,足以承受旅行颠簸,从而保护您的照片。Your portfolio, box, folder or books needs to be sturdy enough to withstand travel and to protect your images.

编辑发行中国民航航机杂志、报纸、书册、班期时刻表等各种宣传品。Editing and publishing for the publication such as CAAC Inflight Magazine, newspaper, picture album, timetable , etc.

书页承载了片段时刻,翻页造成变化之流,书册呈现生命整体的绵延状态。Pages carry the fragments of time, page flipping creates the flux of becoming, books show the duration of the entire life.