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发泄你的失意。Vent your frustration.

微风吹来失意的琵琶。The breezes brought dejected lutes.

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失意人要忍熬漫长的夜晚One the long nights through must lie

当我失意低落之时,我的精神是那么疲倦不堪。When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary.

安妮,你的丈夫是个失意的人。Annie, your husband is a disappointed man.

当层层的失意包围。When surrounded by layers of frustrations.

或许有人屡战屡败,人生失意。Perhaps someone failures, frustrated in life.

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衰退,怎么说呢,财运失意,爱情得意?Recessions, it seems, are good for love, too.

从古到今,人生的失意是一样的。Since ancient times, life's frustrated is the same.

我要告诉所有人,包括那些失意者。I want to tell everyone, including those frustrations.

人们往往在失意之后获取大的成功。Men’s best successes come after their disappointments.

我不想听失意者的哭泣、抱怨者的牢骚,因为他们的疾病是传染的。It's not a contagious disease, Tetsuo, don't worry about it.

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⊙、爱情是风花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起的。Love is sentimental, frustrated people can't afford to play.

这同样也是体现谁家得势谁家失意很好的晴雨表。They, too, are a good barometer of who is up and who is down.

机器人也许会成为失意同事的新目标。The robots might become a new target for frustrated colleagues.

爱情是风花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起的。Love is a sentimental thing, people are frustrated not afford to.

一个失败的人和一个失意的人凑在一起,能干什么?When a loser join forces with a coward, what can they accomplish?

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当我情场失意时,在我身旁的还是你!When my affection field is frustrated, in me beside still is you!

突然觉得曾经那麽可笑,即使现在也那麽让人失意。Suddenly feel once so funny, even now so let person disappointment.

失意何曾恨解携,问安归去秣陵西。Frustrated ever hate carrying solution, greeting Moling go back west.