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这哪儿是马尾松啊。They are not Chinese red pines.

有关马尾松花粉研究初报。Primary report on studying Pinus massoniana pollen.

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松针褐斑病是马尾松的一种新的病害。Lecanosticta acicola is a new disease of Pinus massoniana.

马尾松人工林材种出材率表的研究。Research on log rule of timbers from artificial masson pine forest.

这一现象同样存在于马尾松毛虫卵内。This appearance exists similarly in Dendrolimus punctatus Walker ovum.

生物量的空间结构在马尾松纯林和混交林之间存在明显差异。Spatial structure of biomass in the pure and mixed stands was different.

马尾松疱锈病是我省马尾松中幼林分的毁灭性枝干病害。The blister rust of Pinus massoniana is an important disease in Sichuan Province.

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马尾松无菌小苗针叶束基部潜伏芽诱导中细胞分裂素的作用效果以KT为佳。KT has superior effect for the induction of the dormant buds among other cytokinins.

一年中缙云山马尾松种群的生殖配置动态变化呈现低→渐高→高→低的规律性。The dynamic law of reproductive allocation is "low→high by degree→high→low" during a year.

马尾松成片林面积过大,易产生大面积的病害。The masson pines of the forest area are oversized, easy to have the big area plant disease.

本文研究了马尾松硫酸盐浆单段氧脱木素的最佳工艺条件。The optimum conditions for two stage delignification of masson pine kraft pulp were studied.

试验了氨基磺酸对马尾松硫酸盐化学木浆次氯酸盐漂白的影响。Effect of Amino sulfonic acid on hypochlorite bleaching of Masson Pine kraft pulp was experimented.

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分布区主要为黄壤类酸性土,伴生树种主要为马尾松。The distribution area is mainly the acid yellow soil, and associated species is mainly masson's pine.

在台江县革东镇进行6个种源的马尾松种源试验。Experimental Masson pine stands of 6 seed origins were established in Gedong Village, Taijiang County.

本文对马尾松间伐材进行了CTMP制浆及漂白工艺的研究。The Parameters of pulping and bleaching of CTMP from Masson pine thinnings were studied in this paper.

结果表明,不同马尾松种源的抗性是由其内部化学组成决定的,是种源的特征性质。The resistance is the characteristics of the provenance in relation to the neutral terpenoid contents.

以马尾松木质素磺酸钙与环氧丙烷为起始原料进行共聚反应。The copolymerization between calcium lignosulfonate and propylene oxide was investigated in this paper.

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通过引种两广优良种源家系的试验,结果表明,马尾松不同种源的选择效果是不同的。The results demonstrated that the selective effects of various Pines massoniana provenances were different.

而湿地松和马尾松纯林保水效果差,土壤肥力低。Pinus elliottii and pure forest of Pinus massoniana had bad water conservation effect and poor soil fertility.

最后对漳平市另一易燃的可燃物马尾松类型开展地表可燃物负荷量估测及分析。Finally, the other fuel types of Masson pine plantation's surface fuel loadings were also estimated and analyzed.