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果园间作小浆果。These orchards were interplanted with soft fruits.

说实在的,你怎么能在两个勃朗特间作取舍呢?Really, how can you pick one Bront? over the other?

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说其实的,你怎么能在两个勃朗特间作弃取呢?Really, how can you pick one Brontë over the other?

信徒要从西乃山与锡安山之间作智慧的选择。IV. We must make a wise choice between Mt. Sinai and Mt. Zion.

运动过后,要花点时间作伸展来缓和身体。After you finish exercising, take time to stretch and cool down.

系统中各邻接刚体之间作受控的相对运动。The contiguous bodies of the system perform controlled relative motion.

结果表明,间作对花生的铁营养状况有很大的影响。The results showed that intercropping improved iron nutrition of peanut.

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间作与混作处理的油菜产量在可比面积上比油菜单作产量高,其中混作产量最高。Also rape seed yield per area in the mix cropping system was the highest.

保留空置房间作隔离之用。Reserve rooms for quarantine purpose in case of confirmed influenza case.

桑园间作是造成病害交互感染的重要原因。The major reason for cross infection was interplanting in mulberry fields.

你们中间作父亲的,谁有儿子求饼,反给他石头呢?If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone?

间作多熟种植是干旱地区最具增产潜力的栽培模式。Intercropping is the most potential for increasing grain yield in arid regions.

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不同施氮条件下,单、间作油菜地上部钾吸收量没有差异。The maximum N absorption and K absorption of rape seed are under the N225 level.

你们中间作父亲的,谁有儿子求饼,反给他石头呢。If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone?

或许我对我能在全时学习和半日工作之间作平衡是过度乐观了。I was perhaps overly optimistic about juggling both my full-time study and part-time job.

只要它胜任,并且给你更多时间作别的事情,那就留着它。If it works well enough and gives you more time to work on something else, it's a keeper.

间作对小麦生长和养分吸收有明显的促进作用。Intercropping with maize improved the growth and nutrition absorb significantly to wheat.

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这些花朵在花间作物中并不寻常,因为它们还是第一次在北美为人们所种植。The flowers are unusual among crops because they were first domesticated in North America.

针对以上情况,提出了林下间作、嵌合栽种对钉螺有抑制作用的植物等措施。For the above, intercropping, plant snail preventive plant and other measures were proposed.

整个间作系统有明显的地上生物产量和经济产量优势。The whole intercropping system had obvious advantage of the biological and economical output.