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这只会自取灭亡。This is suicidal.

自我阻塞就是自取灭亡。Self barricading is to court one's own ruin.

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这个可怜的女人实现不了她的目标,她会自取灭亡。This poor woman will go to her grave without ever achieving her goal.

这个政府是自取灭亡。它对人民过分压制了。The government destroyed itself. It was excessively oppressive to its people.

经验告诉我们对现实采取回避态度是自取灭亡。Experience has taught us that to adopt an ostrich-like policy here is suicidal.

哥林多教会因为充满分争而自取灭亡。The church at Corinth was self-destructing because it was filled with division.

拖拉者是在自取灭亡。Procrastination, however, is the number one killer. Procrastinators self-destruct.

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但当不义者在愤怒中背弃了智慧,遂怒杀兄弟而自取灭亡。When a violent man turning in anger strayed from Wisdom, he perished in his fratricidal fury.

但是,任何一个为寻觅食物而踏上其他星球的物种终将认识到如此行径只会消耗掉自己的能量——自取灭亡。But any species that goes to such lengths merely to find food will find itself quickly exhausted.

其他的人物却似乎总是危险缠身,以至自取灭亡,如年轻的萨托利斯。Others seem to run from one danger to another, like young Bayard Sartoris, seeking his own destruction.

武断地限制我们接纳来自全球的技术人员显然是自取灭亡。Arbitrary limitations on our ability to access skill sets from across the globe are clearly self-defeating.

但当不义者在愤怒中背弃了智慧,遂怒杀兄弟而自取灭亡。But when the unjust went away from her in his anger, he perished by the fury wherewith he murdered his brother.

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八月他在斯摩棱斯克一心只想如何推进,可是我们现在却看出,这种继续推进对他来说显然是自取灭亡的。In August he was in Smolensk and thinking of nothing but advancing further, though, as we see now, that advance meant inevitable ruin.

是的,神可以抹去恐怖主义者选择意愿的能力,将祂的意旨灌输到他们的脑中,从而使他们不能完成自取灭亡的行径。Yes, God could have kept the terrorist from completing their suicidal missions by removing their ability to choose their own will instead of his.

人们曾经毫不怀疑的认为,是原子弹的伟大力量让日本从盲目的自取灭亡走向了跪地求饶,但现在这种观点已经过时了。Gone is the untroubled assumption that the mighty power of the A-bomb turned Japan from a fanatically suicidal nation at war to one begging for surrender.

由于对祖国好战和自取灭亡的政策感到厌恶,柏拉图尽量远离政治,将大部分时间和精力用来探索哲学。Disgusted by the belligerent and self-destructive policies of his native city, he stayed out of politics and spent most of his time and energy pursuing philosophy.

但我这个人真是命里注定自取灭亡,竟然抵御不了这种提议的诱惑,就像我当初一心要周游世界而不听父亲的忠告一样。But I that was born to be my own destroyer, could no more resist the offer than I could restrain my first rambling designs, when my father's good counsel was lost upon me.

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无疑,它将最终导致共和党和两党制自取灭亡,而两党制保障了我们美国的自由权利,以免遭一党制专制统治。Surely it would ultimately be suicide for the Republican Party and the two-party system that has protected our American liberties from the dictatorship of a one-party system.

人类的未来会怎样?正如很多土著人、激进生态学家和其他“反传统人士”所提醒的,我们什么时候才能意识到我们虐杀这些生命和破坏生命网络就是在自取灭亡?When will we realize the lifeforms and life-webs we've slaughtered and abused are our own larger self, as many native peoples, radical ecologists and other 'counter-traditions' remind us?