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这是一个重大的谜团。This is a big riddle.

葬礼意义重大Burial is very critical.

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许多重大的事情。That's a pretty nice thing.

版权是一个重大障碍。Copyright is the big hurdle.

这是一项重大突破。This is a major breakthrough.

这是一个重大的转折点。This is a major turning point.

我立刻发现落入重大错误中I saw at once my great mistake.

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这是重大的奥运会项目之一。It’s one of the biggest events.

我们有了一个重大发现。We made an important discovery.

你见证了那些重大事件。You saw it all. You were there.

那是我发现的一个重大问题。And that’s a big problem I find.

由于一次重大的厄尔尼诺事件而造成。Caused by a major El Niño event.

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这会导致重大的失策。That can lead to major missteps.

这是一个重大的国际赛之夜。It's the big international night.

那金戒指对我意义重大。That gold ring means a lot to me.

与高中乐队一起取得了重大成功。Dum major with my high school band.

重大挑战到底是关于什么?What is Grand Challenges all about?

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有没有重大的人事变动?Have there been any major shake-ups?

重新配置它们是一个重大的工作。It is a big job to re-position them.

那次疏忽造成了重大损失。The oversight issued in heavy losses.