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在那里是许多账册在这图书馆。There are many books in this library.

如果他们的借贷账册变坏,股东就要为此自掏腰包。If their loan books go bad, the shareholders will have to stump up.

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财政年度结束时,会计师们审查公司的账册。The accountants audited the company’s books at the end of the fiscal year.

商业银行不得在法定的会计账册外另立会计账册。Commercial banks may not establish any account books in addition to statutory account books.

因此,设备和其他资产在账册上以历史成本或调整后的历史成本反映。Therefore, equipment and other assets show on the books at historical cost or adjusted historical cost.

总部位于辽宁的忠旺控股有限公司将这些借款记录在其账册上,但不承担任何还债义务。Zhongwang, based in Liaoning, kept the loan on its books but disclaimed any responsibility for repayment.

北京开票一般适用于账册不够健全,但是能够控制原材料或进销货的纳税单位。Beijing invoice is generally applicable to books is not perfect, but can control raw materials or into the sales tax.

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但账册上的先例对理解为什么它不能在亚利桑那州的案例适用而言很重要。But with that precedent on the books, it is important to understand why it shouldn't be applied in the Arizona cases.

我没有等待答复,而是写了一张支票支付工资,接着就拿着剧院的账册和我妻子回家了。Rather than wait for an answer, I wrote out a check to cover it and then took my wife and the theater's books home with me.

这些投资直到它们这些许多投资从运营商的账册中完全被减值时才可以被替代。These investments do not get replaced until they have been fully depreciated from an signific network depreci operator's books.

该软件可让您将交易账册无缝地在办事处间传递,为您的客户提供更多的执行选项。This software lets you pass your trading book seamlessly from office to office, offering your customers more execution options.

介于之前政府制定账册,决定哪项资产被送往何处的过程,我觉得估价是一件十分简单的活计。When the government runs the books, does all the accounting and decideswhat assets to send where, I think evaluation would be very easy.

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信息部与财政部及人力资源部已经将从客户订单到工资账册所有的程序都放在了网上。我们每周二下午也会有培训课程。MIS worked with Finance and Human Resources to put every procedure, from customer orders to payroll, on our website. We have training classes every Tuesday afternoon.

根据中华人民共和国会计制度建立账册,采用国际通用的权责发生制和借贷记帐法记帐。Accounting books are based on the Accounting system of P. R. C. , And bookkeeping is done by accrual basis and debit-credit bookkeeping method which is applied worldwide.

编制凭证,整理和装订凭证、账册等相关文档,完成财务经理安排的其它事宜。Establishment certificate, Reorganizes and binds the certificate, account and other related documents. Completes other matters concerned which financial manager arranges.

这里登载的票据凭证,左下为册页式借贷账册,共记载清代光绪年间九十一笔借贷业务。上有借贷银钱数、利息数及借贷双方的签字。Shown right is an account book of ninety-one debit and credit businesses during the Guangxu period, recording money borrowed and lent, interest and signatures of both parties.

第十六条海关可以随时派员进入出口监管仓库检查货物的进、出、转、存情况及有关账册、记录。Article 16 The customs can send people into export warehouses under supervision at any time to check inflow, outflow, transfer and storage of goods and related account books and records.

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银行账册指认可机构持有的资产负债表内资产及资产负债表外风险敞口,但不包括自营买卖账册所列的资产及风险敞口。Banking Book This refers to the on -balance sheet assets and off-balance sheet exposures held by the authorized institutions other than assets and exposures categorised under the trading book.