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圆桌会议确立的两项重要目标是The two main goals of these roundtables are to

您可以在这里报名参加下一次的圆桌会议。You can register for the next roundtable here.

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圆桌会议记录可以在博客中找到。The recording of this roundtable can be found here.

以往的圆桌会议录音也可以找到。Recordings of previous roundtables are all available here.

对任何圆桌会议,我们仍然可以考虑接受。We are still open-minded about any round-table conference.

世界粮食日前一天组织的粮农组织大使圆桌会议The FAO Ambassadors Round Table on the eve of World Food Day

而几乎没有圆桌会议的参与者有心去驱散这层迷雾,事实是他们没有机会去这么做。Few of the men of the Round Table had much heart to dispel them.

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关于设计的圆桌会议也定期举行,集中讨论设计细节和具体问题。Design round-tables are held regularly to focus on details and specific issues.

这次的圆桌会议将会有助于产生这样的良策---我们需要这些良策来赢得未来。These roundtables will help generate those ideas – ideas America needs to win the future.

这还没有包括数百次有多家公司代表在场的圆桌会议。This excludes several hundred round-table meetings where numerous companies were present.

感谢布朗参议员及各位委员和工作人员召开此次圆桌会议。Thank you, Senator Brown, other Commission Members and staff for convening this roundtable.

将会有种类丰富的座谈会、圆桌会议、讲座以及研讨会。There will also be a rich variety of symposia, roundtable discussions, lectures and workshops.

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是的。不应是为研讨会或者圆桌会议讨论用的U型房间。You're right. It should not be a U-shaped room for seminars or a round-table room for discussion.

我很高兴参加这次圆桌会议,并愿借此机会谈一谈联合国改革问题。It gives me great pleasure to attend this Round Table and talk about the reform of the United Nations.

本次研讨会设有高层圆桌会议和两个平行研讨会。A high-level round-table conference and two parallel seminars will be held during the two-day symposium.

正如商业圆桌会议组织所指出的,美国是经合组织中企业税负第二位的。As the Business Roundtable points out, America has the second-highest rate of corporate tax in the OECD.

2003年11月17日至19日,中国—挪威第七次人权与司法圆桌会议在奥斯陆举行。From June 10 to 11, 2010, the 13th China-Norway round table on human rights and justice was held in Beijing.

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全球百万圆桌会议是一个全世界寿险业的顶级专业的联合会。The Million Dollar Round Table is an association of leading sales professionals in the life insurance industry.

这一错误部分得到了纠正,印度在三次圆桌会议上发出了自己的声音。The mistake was partially rectified and India's voice was given a hearing at the three Round-table Conferences.

本次首脑会议为期3天,其中包括6场全体会议、4次圆桌会议和1次发展筹资问题会议。The 3-day UN summit includes 6 plenary session, 4 roundtable meetings and 1 conference on financing for development.