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友情胜过亲情。Friendship outdoes the relationship.

你不用说,我也知道,因为亲情。Many things, Y0U Don't say, I also know.

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新生儿很容易对其父母产生亲情。A newborn is ready to bond to its parents.

爱情,友情,亲情的传语者。Chocolate-messenger of friendship and love.

一家老小沉浸在喜悦中,亲情浓郁!A first immersed in the joy, the family rich!

小珍珠内心深深渴盼亲情慰藉。Small pearl heart deep affection for comfort.

她似乎已割舍了与人间的大多数血脉亲情。She appeared to have let go of most earthly ties.

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亲情系世上最深最挥之唔去嘅感情。Lingering affection is the world's deepest feelings.

这些没有母亲的孩子渴望亲情。The motherless children were starving for affection.

这时,最值得珍存的就是亲情。At this time, the most worth treasuring is my family.

婴儿刚出生后就与其母亲建立亲情关系。Immediately after birth the baby and its mother bond.

亲情使是我们彼此疗疾慰苦的良医。Kinship is healing , we are physicians to each other.

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可设6个亲情号码,一个情侣号码。You can also have 6 family-numbers and 1 couple number.

在亲情,友情,师情,或是爱情。In dear ones, friendship, teacher sentiment, perhaps love.

有多少个感人肺腑的故事,有多少个催人泪下的亲情。How many touching stories, the number of tear-jerking family.

亲情教育的重要性。Section III The importance of family-member-loving education.

在这里,行走都是一种奢望!要是是你,你还会云云卵翼亲情吗?Here, the walk is a hope! If you, your family will love you so.

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天下情劫甚多,如若亲情。一人一世界,自己的世界自己做主。Disaster of the world condition is very much, if kiss affection.

同时,一旦夫妻感情破裂,姻缘亲情也会随之发生变化。Once their affection broke, the marriage affection would change too.

如果他把那种对小姨子的喜欢转化为亲情,仅仅是像关心妹妹一样是无可厚非的。I have sister too, she married a man who love she very much last year.