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在一切授受礼物的人当中,象他们这样的人也是最聪明的。Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest.

日语授受关系的动词用法很复杂。The verb of the Japanese given relation is very complicated.

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警局里安哥授受调查,说资料与他无关。The station he giving the investigation, said he had nothing to do with data.

学习。勇于授受新观点新理念,不要畏惧新的尝试。Learn. Open your mind to new ideas and activities, and don't be afraid to try.

授受表现对于外语学习者而言是一大难点。Giving-and-receiving style is a big difficult point for most of foreign learners.

本文正是从党内权力授受的合法性视角来探讨党内选举问题的。This text just probes into question of inner-party election from this visual angle.

拒绝授受与你人生及年度目标不一致的项目和任务。Say “no” to projects and tasks that are not aligned with your yearly and life goals.

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教育部的此项提议并没有被拥有北京户口的居民所授受。The Ministry of Education's proposal is not being embraced by people who have a Beijing residence permit.

日语中恩惠意识有其相应的文化原则,使用授受表现进行言语交际时必须遵循这项原则。The cultural rules of the favor consciousness are obeyed by the offering and receiving in speech communication.

由于授受者文化背景的不同和思想主张的差异,互助进化思潮在中国的传播呈现出多元的样式。Due to the different cultural backgrounds and propositions of the believers, the idea was also propagated in various ways.

谢谢你告诉我,夫人,这不会再发生了,请授受我的道歉,我会让有关人员知道这个事。Thank you for telling us , madam. It won't happen again. Please accept our apologies. I will let the person in charge know.

以授受为特征的中国古代各种“田制”崩溃之后,代之而起的是“田制不立”的宋代社会。Song Dynasty has long been seen as a society of "no land system" after the collapse of preceeding Chinese various land systems.

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以授受为主的教学观仍然居于大学教学活动的首位。The notion of teaching with impartation -acceptance as its main method holds the primary place of university teaching activity.

授受关系是日语中重要而又复杂的语法现象,是日语语法学习的难点。"Gives and receives" relation, one of the important and complex grammars in Japanese, is a grammatical difficulty for Japanese learners.

教育在某种意义上可以理解为通过知识授受,发展学生智力和体力,培养学生思想品德和审美意识的活动。Education, in a sense, is teaching in knowledge, developing students'intelligence and physical energy, their ideology and aesthetic judgment.

为了澄清误解,还这两种教学方式以各自应有的清白,本文拟对科学探究式教学与授受式教学进行比较研究,以正视听。This kind of thought made the teachers felt very vague, and this is also the reason why actualizing the inquiry teaching is very hard in our country.

从授受走向互动与生成,现代大学教学观亟待重构。With the transforming from impartation -acceptance to generation and interaction, the notion of teaching of modern university needed immediate reconstruction.

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第三,科学主义教育的盛行使师生异化为知识授受的工具,教学成为控制过程,远离了教育性,师生之间形成了工具性的师生关系。Thirdly, the prevalence of scientism on education make student become a tool to receive knowledge. Instruction can be completely controlled and lack educational property.

生命化教育是由黄克剑教授1993年提出“授受知识、开启智慧、润泽生命”教育的三个价值向度而引导出来的。Life education was deduced from the three value dimensions, including accepting knowledge, opening wisdom and moistening life, which raised by Professor Huang Kejian in 1993.

不过,人们更愿意授受这个理论,达里蒙特说,就是狼最喜欢的和吃的最多的是如麋鹿和鹿之类的四腿有蹄类动物,。But the "comfortable, orthodox" theory, Darimont said, is that wolves are first and foremost linked to populations of ungulates —four-legged, hoofed mammals such as elk and deer.