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低温造成生物的冷害、霜害和冻害。The most frequent effect of high temperature on organisms is dehydration.

冻害是世界性的柑橘生产上的主要灾害之一。Freezing damage is one of the majordisasters of the world citrus production.

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重视和预防建筑物附属工程的冻害,在严寒地区尤为重要。It is very important to pay attention to and prevent frost damagee of appurtenant works.

冻害是季节冻土区挡土墙破坏的主要形式。The main form of damage for retaining wall in Seasonal freezing region is caused by ice.

热空气可能会循环流动,从而保证新鲜农产品不会产生冷害或冻害。Heated air may be circulated to keep fresh produce from incurring chilling or freezing injury.

冻蚀即寒冻风化作用,是寒冷地区水工混凝土构筑物主要冻害之一。Frost weathering is one of major frost damage for hydraulic concrete structures in cold regions.

结果显示,所调查的37种植物中,有26种受到不同程度的冻害。The results showed that 26 species had different degrees of freezing injury in the investigated 37 species.

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1993年冬季至1994年春季之间,延边地区苹果梨花芽遭受严重冻害。From winter 1993 to spring 1994, blossom bud of apple-pie in Yanbian area were seriously damaged because of cold.

干旱、盐碱、低温和冻害等非生物逆境严重影响了植物的生长和发育。Abiotic stresses such as drought , salt , cold and freezing exert severe influences on growth and development of plant.

日光温室甜樱桃没有出现花蕾、花朵并有幼果的冻害现象。The frost injury phenomenon of alabastrum, flower and young fruit of sweet cherry were not appeared in solar greenhouse.

针对这一现状,本文对公路隧道的渗漏与冻害问题进行了研究。This paper goes on research on the leakage and frost damage problem of highway tunnel in accordance with present condition.

分析路基冻害产生的原因,阐述路基冻结过程中水分迁移的特征。Analyse the causes of the roadbed freeze-harm, and expatiate on the characteristic of the moisture transfer during freezing.

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从各生态类型区域茶树变异指数分析得出,茶树冻害由轻到重呈花斑式分布。Analysis of variation indexes on tea in each ecological areas showed that frozen injury from light to heavy on tea dispersed piebald-style.

采用碳纤维加固技术,对因受冻害而发生开裂的混凝土结构进行了加固处理。In this paper, carbon fiber strengthening technology is used to strengthen the reinforced concrete which cracked because of freezing action.

在季节冻土地区,防治路基冻害问题,强调较多的往往是室内冻胀指标,而对融沉指标考虑的较少。In the seasonal frost regions, more attention is often paid to frost heave index in the aspect of prevention and cure of roadbed frost damage.

结果表明,树莓越冬枝条在-30~-35℃条件下遭受冻害,而致死临界温度是在-40℃以下。It was found that the overwintering shoots of raspberry were damaged from -30℃ to -35℃ , but their critical temperature for eath was about -40℃.

在季节冻土区,路基水分迁移变化是道路冻害最积极活跃的因素。Water migration and variation in subgrade soils is the most active and live factor to the road frost damage in seasonally frozen ground regions.

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可见,一定的低温会对枇杷幼果产生不同程度的伤害,尤其在0℃以下的低温胁迫幼果冻害严重。It is clear that low temperature will harm the young loquat fruit. The freezing damage will be serious especially when the temperature is below zero.

物以稀为贵,由于受到低温冻害的影响,本省茶叶的产量下降,造成了上市“新茶”价格上扬的格局。Value comes from scarcity. Because of the cool weather and frozen damage, the native tea productions descend, and the price of spring tea is going up.

路基的热状况、水分状况与变化规律及由此引起的应力重分布是引起道路冻害的主要因素。Both the condition of the heat, the moisture of the subgrade, their changing law and the stress distributing are the key factors to cause the frost damages.