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是您品茶、休闲、商务应酬、洽淡的最佳场所。It will be your best hang-out.

今晚我不大想跟人应酬。I'm not feeling very sociable this evening.

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同样,应酬语也受之影响。Likewise, phatic language is influenced by it too.

平时应酬还是少喝点酒!Peacetime dinner party or not to drink too much wine!

这样一来,每次的社交应酬都有可能会带来收益。That way, every social interaction is potentially profitable.

在日本,晚上陪客户应酬已经成为工作的一部分。“In Japan entertaining clients is a part of the job,” he explains.

因为人,真的不需要应酬别人的好奇心。Because, really, people do not have to entertain the curiosity of another.

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估计饮酒多时,提前服用维生素B直至应酬渐少,以保护肝脏。No. 2 Take Vitamin B before drinking too much is good for heart protection.

从而说明了应酬语的重要社会意义和作用。Therefore, it indicates social importance and function of phatic communion.

现在看出他们夫妻俩不爱应酬待客的脾气,她希望他还是别来。Now, when she saw how unreceptive these two people were, she hoped he would not.

守静。不受杂事或普通社交应酬干扰。Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

将一个星期所有的活动或是交际应酬做出计划并记录。Carry a schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations and activities for a week.

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不足能源怎么能真正服务好,叫一下动一下,应酬罢了!How can lack of energy really good service, called about moving about, entertaining too!

偶尔也有应酬、活动,会出场面。Occasionally I also have social intercourses, activities, and will be in the public scenes.

因为晚上应酬多,才30出头的他已经显得大腹便便。As more entertainment in the evening before their early 30's, he appears to have potbellied.

或许,这些年出门在外的应酬,令我倍感真情的可贵。Perhaps, in recent years away from home entertainment, makes me feel more truth of valuable.

而且在日常生活中,尤其在社交场合中,应酬语十分重要。And in the daily life, especially in the social occasion, phatic language is very important too.

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但目前对应酬语的功用和研究价值、应酬行为和信息性行为的关系等问题仍存在模糊认识和争论。But there has been a debate between function and sense, phatic and informational acts of the study.

男人在外面应酬,偶尔的出轨在欧阳眼里很正常,出钱出力不出感情就OK。Man outside entertainment, occasionally derailed in Ouyang Yan is very normal, Midori no emotion on OK.

赵斯文为了影展,确实花费了大量的心血,他一定要程紫月与张总应酬。Zhao sven to film festivals, really spent a lot of effort, he must Cheng Zi month and total social parties.