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里面是古怪的方块字。In square, grotesque characters.

方块字那股难以抗拒的魅力,你不感觉到吗?Don't you feel the irresistible charm of Chinese words?

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这使外国留学生学汉语方块字时感到头疼。The foreign students feel it a headache to learn Chinese characters.

这些图画文字经过演变就成了现在的方块字。These picture-words changed over time until they became square characters.

活泼可爱的方块字,承载了中华民族的兴衰成败。Lively and cute characters, bearing the success or failure of the Chinese nation.

现在我们说一些汉语学习的东西。以前在英国的时候有没有接触过汉字——方块字?Now let's move to learning Chinese. Did you study Chinese characters when you were in Britain?

部分人士还担心有一天方块字会被汉语拼音完全取代。There is even fear of an unstated intention to replace Chinese characters totally, eventually.

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念方块字的人,都能感受的到这古老大地百年来所忍受的耻辱。Those who were Chinese-educated could well feel the century-long humiliation suffered by their ancestral country.

英语单词是由字母组合起来的字符串,所以就产生了一些与汉语方块字不同的特点。English words are strings of letters together, so we had some different characteristics of Chinese written characters.

在一件高度为280毫米的瓷器笔筒上,密密麻麻地布满了一行行极小的方块字。On a 280mm high pencil vase, one of Li's porcelains, the lines of mini Chinese characters add much appeal to the Chinaware.

我们对字母词的实证研究表明现代汉语的方块字中已经接纳了拉丁字母的书写形式。Our empirical research in letter words proves that Chinese has adopted the Latin letters into its pictograph writing system.

这是中国的方块字,谁能看得懂,并且有时间来教我说流利的英语。This is China's Chinese characters, who can look understands, and also has the time to teach me to speak the fluent English.

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因此我认为这和学生的认知技能发展方面有关,而学习中国方块字可以训练发展这种技能。So I think that there is a link in terms of students' cognitive skills development that is trained by learning Chinese characters.

稍大一点,我上了小学,开始上语文、数学各类的课程,并开始对方块字产生了兴趣。A little older, I went to primary school where I began to take Chinese and maths and various lessons. I began to be fascinated by the Chinese characters.

你知道,汉语是一种基于方块字的语言,因此,它和当今世界其他在用的语言迥然相异。As you know, it is a character-based language and it's completely different really from every other language that is in use in the world today for that reason.

最爱写的字是先生教的方块字,横平竖直堂堂正正做人要像它。Most loves the character which writes is the Chinese characters which gentleman teaches, the horizontal even vertical open and aboveboard personhood must look like it.

这本书的发行,使马克思和恩格斯在70多年前发出的振聋发聩的声音,通过一个个方块字,在中国的大地上爆响。The emission of this book, make Marx and Engels are in the 70 awaken the deaf sound that give out before New Year more, pass each Chinese characters, explode noisy on Chinese earth.