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捷足先登/先到者优先。First come, first served.

今年它又一次捷足先登。And, once again this year, he's first.

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好啊,等我捷足先登的时候,可别像狗一样来求我。Fine. When I beat you to it, don't come whining to me like a dog.

我们早早来到剧院,以便捷足先登占到前排座位。We arrived early at the theatre so as to preempt the front seats.

但是丹麦已捷足先登,在2002年丹麦就建成了大型海上风电场。But the Danes—who built a big offshore wind farm in 2002—have a head start.

玛丽想买毕加索的那幅画,不过另一个百万富翁捷足先登了。Mary wanted to buy that painting by Picasso,but another millionaire beat her to the draw.

他曾经被同胞内德维德推荐到尤文图斯,但却让当时的阿贾克斯捷足先登。Having been recommended to Juventus by compatriot Pavel Nedved, Ajax were quick to sign the talented defender.

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但是,如果重新回流的保守主义使得竞争对手捷足先登,那么惠特曼2012年的征程可能将更加艰难。But if its newfound conservatism lets competitors get ahead, the going may get even tougher for Whitman in 2012.

对铁路运输而言,虽然铁轨犹在,但政府的资助实际上让卡车货运得以捷足先登。While railroads still maintained their own trackbeds, in effect the government had financed truckers' right-of-way.

这里原本是穆萨维支持者计划举行集会的地点,但被现任总统的支持者捷足先登。It had been the planned venue for a rally of Mousavi supporters, but those supporting the incumbent president arrived first.

而原创企业往往并不擅长迅速打入新国家的市场,所以模仿者便能捷足先登。Often the originator of the business does not have the expertise to enter new countries quickly, so copycats can get there first.

要在酒吧里遇到合适的女人比较难,常常会被女人拒绝,因为她们大多数时候被醉醺醺的男人捷足先登。Meeting women at clubs can get difficult because women get approached by drunk men most of the time so there is plenty of rejection.

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正当印度统治者想以某种方式独立却犹豫不决时,巴基斯坦领导人决定捷足先登。While Kashmir's Hindu rulers prevaricated, hoping somehow to become an independent country, Pakistan's leaders decided to force the issue.

据说已经有英国和西班牙球队接触了达乌德的经纪人尤里瑟。萨维尼,但斑马军团捷足先登留下了这名天才射手。There were reports that English and Spanish teams had approached agent Ulisse Savini, but Juve have moved to secure the talented front man.

贺俊峰告诉主任,自己去赵家之前,就有人捷足先登了,而赵正权的脸已经被打开花了。He Junfeng tell, director of yourself before going to zhao, there was a man who beat her, and Zhao Zhengquan face has been open the flowers.

你必须尽快行动,因为赚钱的黄金时机来得快,如果你稍有延误,也许就会被人家捷足先登!You must act quickly because the golden opportunity to make more money will come up quickly and if you delay, someone else may gobble it up!

因此,英语将仍然为优先选用的国际语言,这也还出于以下原因,即电脑键盘仍然保留难用的QWERTY配置——只因其捷足先登。As such, English will remain the international language of choice for the same reason keyboards retain the ungainly QWERTY configuration—it got there first.

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上个赛季西班牙U21的国脚的出色表现已经给英超俱乐部留下深刻的印象,据报道利物浦和曼城捷足先登签下这名小将。The Spain U21 international is said to have impressed a number of English clubs last season, with Liverpool and Manchester City reported to be leading the race for his signature.

这位23岁的当红炸子鸡同时被切尔西以及曼城所盯上,但是达格利什似乎已经捷足先登。Kenny Dalglish is set to move for the 23-year old full back who has been linked with a string of high profile clubs across Europe, including Premiership rivals Chelsea and Man City.

NLRB坚称依照美国宪法的最高条款,如果联邦法律与各州法律出现冲突,后者必须让步——即各州法律被联邦法律“捷足先登”。The NLRB argues that under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, if federal and state laws collide, the latter must yield—that is, the state law is "pre-empted" by federal law.