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斑比在恋爱。Bambi is in love.

他们在恋爱。They are in love.

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花尾在恋爱。Flower is in love.

桑普在恋爱。Thumper is in love.

恋爱不分贵贱。Love makes all equal.

嗯,现在都是自由恋爱。Yeah. It's free love now.

恋爱中的人都是盲目的。Everbody in love is blind.

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恋爱冷笑锁匠。Love laughs at locksmiths.

旋风般恋爱。It's a whirlwind courtship.

最难忘的是哪次恋爱?。Are you hear me? I love you!

他则被这场恋爱摧毁。He is destroyed by this love.

恋爱使你变得疯疯颠颠的。Love is making you go bananas.

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哈里王子恋爱了。Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

如果我们只研究这种恋爱关系呢?Now what if we just study that?

他的恋爱故事已在这里了!Here we have the romance itself.

所以,归根结蒂,他可能是在恋爱了。So he can be in love, after all.

惭恋爱中的女人会怎么做呢?What then in love can women do ?

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就算在以后的生命中和谁恋爱也好。You are always ganna be my love.

短发,香港,恋爱。其实什么都不关我事。Actually, I still loved that guy.

但她们都已领有自己现在的恋爱。But they have their own now love.