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我们都挺固执的。We are both stubborn.

我的朋友很固执。My friend is stubborn.

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因为你的固执。Because of your obstinacy.

思嘉固执地点点头。Scarlett nodded obstinately.

你怎么能够这样固执呢?How could you be so obstinate?

她固执得像头驴子。She was as obstinate as a mule.

我被她的固执惹恼了。I was nettled by her persistency.

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她又特别特别固执。And she's really, really stubborn.

但是我们这位贵客实在太固执。But our visitor was very obstinate.

他固执地持他的选择。Obstinately he clung to his choice.

但是我们这位贵客实在太固执。But our visitor was very obstinate.

你有时候真固执!Sometimes you can be so bull-headed!

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固执的司徒维桑特没有回信。The stubborn Stuyvesant didn't reply.

大多数时候,她很专横和固执,Most of the time she is bossy and pushy,

固执又无知,这就是我,哈哈。Opinionated and moronic, that's me, lol.

我爱你的勇气,你的固执。I love your courage and your stubbornness.

他发现老师的固执难以忍受。He found his teacher's bigotry intolerable.

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我的自私和固执曾让多少人受伤?Solfish and persistent , how many were hurt?

这个商人在谈判中拗强固执。The trader was obstinate in the negotiation.

那固执的人不愿改变想法。That stubborn man always cleaves to his idea.