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我想多下雨,和家里有一个更大的水窖。I want more rain.

初步分析认为新型水窖具有很好的适用性。Preliminary think spot assembled water tank has a good applicability.

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希望这个水窖,能解决大家食用水的问题。Hopefully these cellars can help people solve the problem of drinking water.

当然,水源的储集并不仅仅是修建水窖、大坝、开井或建造水箱那么简单。Water harvesting is more than just a matter of constructing ponds, dams, wells or tanks, of course.

东乡族母亲马色飞叶感激“母亲水窖”给她带来的每一滴水。Dongxiang mother Mase Feiye is grateful for every drop of water that Water Cellar for Mothers has brought her.

利用宅院水窖发展庭院经济,可显著增加农户的经济收入。Developing courtyard economy by using water in cellars can obviously increase economic income of peasant households.

作者还对水窖工程技术存在问题提出了对策,并推荐迷宫式沉沙池以完善目前窑窖工程的技术环节。And also, some countermeasures to well build the cellar water harvesting system and better sand sinking pound are recommended.

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建造水窖的工程预计会在雨季来临前完成从而取得最大的效益。Construction of water cellars is scheduled to be completed before the start of the rainy season for maximum impact and benefit.

她每天走一个小时山路去上学,回到家后提了水窖里的水给每棵小菜苗浇一点点水。It takes her an hour of walking in the mountains to school every day. And after school she would water the farm with water from the cellar.

以云南省木美地下河流域为例,就西南岩溶区水窖的水质状况进行分析,结果表明水窖的水质状况尚为良好。The water quality of water cellar in karst areas of South China is analyzed in the case of Mumei subterranean stream basin, showing good results.

表层岩溶泉的水资源通常在时间分配上很不均匀,利用水窖可以将雨季剩余的水资源储存下来供枯季利用。Water resources of epikarst spring in dry season are not as much as that in rainy season. So a small reservoir is needed to keep the water resources.

如救助贫困母亲的“幸福工程”、专门资助贫困地区失学女童的“春蕾计划”、援助西部缺水地区妇女的“母亲水窖工程”等,为加快农村妇女脱困发挥了积极作用。Cistern Project to aid women in the water-deficient areas of western China, have played an active role in helping rural women to erase poverty quickly.

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认为装配式水窖在技术上是可行的,可在当前的集雨节灌工程中大力推广。The conclusion is that assembling water-storing cellar is technically viable, and should be popularized in water-collection and water-saving irrigation projects.

仅仅提供每个家庭用水的水窖就大大改善了水的质量,结果,每个村民的整体健康状况也大大改善。Simply providing a cover over each family cistern substantially improves water quality and, as a result, the overall health of each villager is also greatly improved.

十年来,慈济志工在中国甘肃援建超过一千个水窖,给居民有乾净水饮用。Over the last decade, Tzu Chi volunteers have built over 10,000 water cellars all over Gansu Province in China with the aim of providing residents with clean drinking water.

水资源的缺乏使雨水集流工程的进行势在必行,水窖具有体积小、用材少,费用低、易保持水质等优点,因此在半干旱黄土地区应用非常广泛。The shortage of water make it necessary to collect the rainfall. Cellars are used widely for their advantage of less area, less material, lower fee and better quality water.

本文介绍了一种集雨水窖的结构型式,施工方法,注意的问题,及资金和劳力的来源。The structural type, construction method, items needing attention, and source of fund and labor are introduced for one kind of the water cellar used in rainwater collecting works.

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在具体分析集流场集流潜力和用水量基础上,针对沿路水窖布局提出了科学密度指标体系。According to the analysis of potential water harvested and water needed for human and livestock and irrigation, a system of cellar quota is given for the along road cellar construction.

建集蓄雨水工程——集流场、蓄水水窑、水窖,可解决当地群众的生活用水,还可用剩余的水发展庭院经济,脱贫致富。To construct collecting ra1nfall engineeringcollecting field, water cellar-ean Provide drinking water for local people, and develop courtyard eeonomy. to get out of poor and become rich.

目前在我国雨水集蓄中多以胶泥、水泥砂浆抹面或混凝土防渗来修建水窖或蓄水池等作为雨水存储设施。At present, China harvesting rainwater mostly used the clay, cement mortar or concrete spread plate the building of water tanks and cisterns surface to impermeableness, as storage facilities.