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见大河奔流,直到苦海边。Over the rivers to the bitter sea.

这房子面向着大河。The building faces the big rimmer.

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猴子带老虎来到一条大河边。The monkey take the tiger to a big river.

垂柳、大河的气息、还有一大帮Willows, the smell of the river, and a mass

他和妈妈一起住在一条大河边。He lived with his mother beside a big river.

这条缓缓而流的宽阔大河就是科珀曼河。This wide and sluggish river was the Coppermine.

黄河是中国的第二大河流。The Huanghe River is China the second big rivers.

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每一条大河都是由无数的汀滢汇聚而成的。Countless small streams converge to form a large river.

水和鱼经过了一条大河,鱼只剩下半条命。Water and fish through a river, the fish only Half-Life.

贵州水利资源丰富,有众多大河小溪。Guizhou is rich in many water courses, streams and rivers.

忽然,它看见河滩上那只张着口的大河蚌。Suddenly, it saw the clam lying there with its shell open.

一天,三个男人远足时意外的遇到一条波涛汹涌的大河。One day, three men met with a huge river, when they were hiking.

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大河缓缓流淌,河流声象打着四拍子的音乐,我在河边盼望着鱼儿上钩。River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise.

谢谢大河大使阁下、尊贵的讨论会成员和客人们。Thank you Ambassador Okawara, distinguished panelists and guests.

他发出枝子,长到大海,发出蔓子,延到大河。It sent out its boughs to the Sea, its shoots as far as the River.

我们已经经过了大河,正转入一条小河中。We have got past the big rivers and just turned into a little one.

产于中国大河的匙吻鲟与密西西比河流域中的相似。Fish of larger rivers of China similar to the Mississippi paddlefish.

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他发出枝子,长到大海,发出蔓子,延到大河。She sent out her boughs unto the sea, and her branches unto the river.

时光是条大河,比我们所知道的任何河流都要来的宽和深。Time is a great flowing river, vaster and wider than any river we know.

桑拉死了,大河边的利河伯人扫罗接续他作王。And Samlah died, and Saul of Rehoboth by the river reigned in his stead.