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这也是从事历史撰述的基本要求。This is the basic requirement of historical writing, too.

从历史撰述本身来看,叙事和议论是两个主要部分。Narrations and remarks are two primary sections of historical writing.

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可是你们从上世纪90年代中期就已经在撰述“网络空间的主权”。But you've been writing about “cyberspace sovereignty” since the mid-nineties.

可是你们从上世纪90年代中期就已经在撰述“网络空间的主权”。But you’ve been writing about “cyberspace sovereignty” since the mid-nineties.

这指明了本书的基本撰述目的及特征。This book points out the basic objectives and characteristics of practitioners.

风、树叶、和空的秋千,撰述著一个已消逝的童年梦想…The wind, the leaf and the empty swing, tell a story of the lost childhood dream.

此时的学者整理或撰述南明史的原因,主要是给清统治者提供治弊救偏的借鉴。The aim of scholars collating or compiling the history is to give a rule mirror for the Qing court.

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在翻译佛经的同时,历代都产生了一些中土佛教撰述。On the meantime, people made a lot of writings about Buddhist, thus brought us many documents of ourselves.

本文撰述委员共有六位,期间共召开13次小组撰述会议,历时约五个月。Six committee members were tasked with outlining this article, and over a period of five months they convened 13 working group meetings.

作者就网商时代对现代电子商务会计产生的影响,再次撰述电子商务会计发展的可能性与历史必然性。Through analyzing the influence of E-trader Era on moderne-commerce accounting, expounds the possibility and inevitability of e-commerce accounting.

此外,历史人类学视档案与文本为特定人群的集体表象,而非仅仅撰述者的个人行为。In addition, archives and text is viewed as the collective representation by historical anthropology, not the writing culture behavior of individual.

佛教充实了历史撰述的内容,影响了史家的思想,尤其在历史笔记中有丰富的反映。Buddhism not only enriched the contents of historical compilations and affected historians' thoughts but was abundantly reflected in historical notes.

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历史撰述所建构的主观历史图景是客观历史存在在当下的理性化的表现形式。Because it is impossible to restore objective history existence in the passing of time, it is inevitable that subjective historical picture is creative.

通过比较分析,本文剖析了伯喜否被史家丑化的缘由,并探讨了司马迁撰述先秦人物的一些特征。This paper explains why Bo Pi was defamed by historians, and also probes into the features of Sima Qian's writing of historical people in early Qin Dynasty.

前者侧重于从理论角度阐发己意,后者则多通过史书撰述中的论说来揭示主旨。The former focuses on the elucidation of their own from a theoretical point of Italy, while the latter through the history books write of discourse to reveal the main thrust.

经过第二次世界大战以及纳粹大屠杀之后,许多漫画中的英雄渐渐被刻画具有犹太人的特徵,文字撰述更为成熟,对于偏见和分离主义的议题有愈来愈多著墨。After the Second World War and the Holocaust, many comic super-hero figures began to assume more direct Jewish identities and the narratives assumed more adult themes about prejudice and segregation.

你已经看过一本名为“星夜的差使”的小册子,这本由帕瓦多大学的数学家伽利略撰述有关天空的卓越发现。You have just read a pamphlet entitled The Starry Messenger, by a mathematician at the University of Padua named Galileo Galilei in which the author reports remarkable observations about the heavens.