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梦能先知先觉吗?Can Dreams Predict the Future?

另一方面,他也算是先知先觉。One the other hand, he was way in advance.

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订阅竞争对手新闻消息,保持先知先觉。Subscribe to news feeds about your competitors

先知先觉的知识分子开始了乡土中国现代化的思考。Prophetic intellects began to think of themodernization of country China.

正义与非正义的重新签订是先知先觉的最后几天。The redefining of justice and injustice is a prophetic sign of the last days.

先知先觉们的经历正是后人最好的读本。The experiences of the prophets are the best reading materials for later generations.

他还先知先觉地认为中央银行应当保持独立。He was an early believer in central-bank independence, long before this was fashionable.

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他不总是对的,但他在观察市场和行业发展发面总是先知先觉,”Foley说。He's not always right, but he's a visionary in terms of seeing how markets and industries evolve," Foley says.

当其他的国家还在对产假以及妇女权益的相关政策小修小补的时候,瑞典人可能早已先知先觉地瞥见了未来。As other countries still tinker with maternity leave and women’s rights, Sweden may be a glimpse of the future.

更能理解及合理化他人的反应并接受别人,及对自己的反应的影响有先知先觉。Better able to understand and rationalize one's reaction and become more accepting to others and aware of impact on our reaction.

美国并不认为自己通晓对每个人都合适的体制,就像我们对和平选举的结果不能做到先知先觉一样。America does not presume to know what is best for everyone, just as we would not presume to pick the outcome of a peaceful election.

时过境迁,世界并没有按照先知先觉者的预想发生变化,新闻事业的鼎盛时期如烟消云散,但大卫·哈伯斯塔姆并没有因此停止工作。As it turned out, the world didn't agree with the smart people, and a journalistic heyday passed. But Halberstam never stopped working.

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实际上,宋儒对五运说的质疑和批判,仅仅是少数思想先行者的先知先觉罢了。In fact, the Song Confucian transported to the five questions and criticism that only a small number of thought leadership foresight Bale.

儒学运动的最高宗旨在于通过先知先觉的“超人”实现“天下归仁”19的伟大的政治理想。Confucianism aim is to speed up the movement through the foresight of the "Superman" to achieve "the world Qui Nhon" 19 great political ideal.

但是,巴雷特博士认为,实际上,先知先觉的梦,即便梦见意料之外的事情,只是暴露出了你下意识中所忧虑的事情。But in reality, a prophetic dream, even one about something unexpected, is just bringing to light an issue you've been subconsciously worried about, says Dr. Barrett.

如果他们坦然地接受人们原来的意图,他们就能先知先觉这些变化,并提供不受限制、随意下载分享的内容。If instead they embraced the desires of people to be free, they could have gotten ahead of these changes, and given people DRM-free, restriction-free content to download and share.

世界上没有完全相同的两套房子,房地产产品的个性化、不可逆转性、不可试用性以及与消费者利益的强相关性,某种程度上要求我们先知先觉。There are not two exactly same units in the world. The uniqueness, irreversibleness, untriedness and close connection with consumers' benefit all require us to have sense in advance.

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文论界在关注作家主观因素在创作中的核心作用时,文论家中的先知先觉者也看到了这种观点的偏颇,转而发现了“非个人化”创作的一些契机。Thispaper aims at proving the fact that literature creation should be fully observed byanalyzing the authors personal factors in the creation process from the stand of"impersonality" theory.