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你可以越级而上,或者在任何阶段停下来。You can skip steps and stop at any point.

我的上司非常愤怒,因为我越级汇报了。My boss got angry that I emailed his boss instead of him.

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学院突然把他从讲师越级提升为正教授。The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.

作为一个越级大国,美国不久将会有新的伙伴入围。The United States will soon gain company as a great power.

我们甚至会越级上报,以争取我们认为对的事。We might even go over his head to appeal for what we think is right.

为了工作直接越级打报告给上司的上司,甚至是法国CEO。I reported directly to my leader, even my france CEO for the project.

越级汇报,除非你清楚潜在的后果。Go to your boss's boss unless you are aware of the potential ramifications.

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我知道你不喜欢你的老板,但是你不能去对大老板抱怨,因为你不能越级。I know you don't like your boss, but you couldnot complain to his boss about it.

校长把龙老师训一通,斥为“越级上访”,是没有道理的。Principal dragon old teachings, reprimands as jumps the ranks appeals for help, does not have the truth.

安表示,“若出现越级上访,当地党和政府领导人会受到处分。”"If petitioners bypass local authorities, the head of both the Party and government get punished, " An said.

第四十条超配额,无配额和越权越级发放的许可证无效。Article 40 Any license issued by exceeding quotas, without quotas or exceeding power or levels shall be invalidated.

或许,老板应该采取“越级会谈”的形式,也就是说,老板直接与问题员工的下属会谈。You may need to resort to "skip-level meetings, " in which you meet directly with the problem employee's subordinates.

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对由CT饱和引起的保护越级误动问题进行了分析,并提出了解决方法。The mal-operation of the protection caused by CT saturation is analyzed in this paper, and its solving way is proposed.

第二十八条越权越级或者无有效批件发放的进口许可证无效。Article 28 The import license issued by exceeding power or levels or without effective documents of approval shall be invalid.

承诺对C透露给你方的有关信息保密,并且C供应给贵方的资源不可越级使用。Promise to keep secret about information revealed by C. And resources provided by C to your party cannot be used while skipping a grade.

由此,导致了重复申诉和越级申诉的泛滥,加剧了当事人申诉难、再审无序化的局面。This leads to a flood of complaints plots leapfrog appeal, the parties exacerbated by the complainant, to a retrial disorderly situation.

任何越级上报的行为都被视为是不忠诚以及破坏传统的共识性企业文化。Any attempt to short-circuit the hierarchy is deemed an act of disloyalty and a violation of the traditional consensual corporate culture.

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你如果认为上尉下的命令错了,可以越级向他的指挥官请示应该怎么办。If you think that your captain is giving wrong orders, you may have to go over his head to his commanding officer, to ask what should be done.

检查的内容为发证机构执行本办法的情况,重点检查是否有越权越级或者无批件发证等违规行为。Focal point of the examination is whether license-issuing organs have the activities of exceeding their power or issuing license without permission.

张廷文表示,遵守职场规则可以给人留下个好印象。在预先没有请示上级主管的情况下,千万不要越级。According to Zhang, playing by the office rules can create a favorable impression. Never go over your superiors' heads without consulting them first.