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他是一个个头高,腰笔挺的老人。He was a tall upright old man.

日本的一种笔挺式卷轴画。Japanese vertical scroll painting.

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尊严的治安官当主席,身材笔挺。The Squire presided, dignified and tall.

我只感到面前是一个魁伟笔挺的身影。I was aware only of a tall and upright figure.

保罗谢尔曼耶尔身材矮小,动作敏捷,站得笔挺。Paul sherman yale was small, spry and upright.

你身穿烫得笔挺的西服、提前20分钟上班。You wear a pressed suit and arrive 20 minutes early.

他要参加面试,穿得西装笔挺。He was all dressed up to the nines for the interview.

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包子斜眼瞄瞄对方,他是个西装笔挺的男士。Steamed stuffed bun strabismus, he was aiming at the man.

给男人用的有笔挺的哔叽,发亮的丝衬衫。For men there were sturdy gabardine, shinning silk shirts.

我笔挺地向前高速飞翔,超出口岸,飞临海面。I flew straight ahead, across the harbor and over the sea.

他穿笔挺的白衬衫,胸袋有两支笔。His starched white shirt has two pens in the breast pocket.

帕克太太像从钉子上滑落的笔挺的衣服一样,慢慢瘫倒,皱缩成一团。Parker crumpled as a stiff garment that slips down from a nail.

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世界的乐趣就在于打倒我们象军人那样笔挺的字母“I”。The pleasure of the world is to bowl down our soldierly letter I.

尽管他们的鼻子,他们的五官,都既笔挺又完美,棱角分明。Though their noses, all their features, were straight, perfect, angular.

1948年,这些西装笔挺的人们正在观看一台利用烟囱调节烟雾的实验性设备。Men in suits watch an experimental smog-control device on a smokestack in 1948.

衣着笔挺的太太们沙沙作响地走过,一路作着笑脸,散发着香味儿。Ladies rustled by in dresses of stiff cloth, shedding affected smiles and perfume.

西装背心的低领里露出浆得笔挺的白底粉红条纹衬衫的前胸。The low crotch of the vest revealed a stiff shirt bosom of white and pink stripes.

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笔挺体面的窗帘布和蓬松柔软的地坛可以是丝绒、提花、羊毛或其它毛皮。Sleek decent curtain and soft fluffy carpet were made of velvet, jacquard, wool or fur.

他西装笔挺,领带打结不偏不倚对准白衬衣领头纽扣。He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar buttons of his white shirts.

他经常穿着笔挺的白衬衣,打着领带,似乎乐于扮演老一辈学者型政治家的角色。Often in a crisp white shirt and tie, he seems happy to play the professorial elder statesman.