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1963年,普罗富莫与基勒的情事经过媒体曝光,普罗富莫由于向下议院隐瞒了他的情事,迫于舆论只好引咎辞职。In 1963, Profumo's affair with Keeler was exposed in the press.

他有没有想到普罗富莫情事引来的丑闻呢?Was he thinking of the scandals generated by the Profumo Affair?

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温彻斯特与大西洋的“情事”开始于一次美国旅行。Winchester's own love affair with the Atlantic began with a passage to America.

对于MONOPOLY游戏,还像平常一样玩,但是要把游戏里你房产的租金改为双方的情事。For monopoly, play as usual, but have sexy treats instead of rent for your properties.

他清楚地体认到,关于其武装先知标准的,例外情事。He clearly recognizes that there are clear exceptions to his rule about armed prophets.

最后,根据本章的分析,提出情事变更制度在我国合同法中的立法条文建议。At last, it designs articles of clausula rebus sic stantibus for the Contract Law of China.

第五部分对完善我国情事变更制度进行了法律思考。The fifth part does some legal consideration of perfecting the system of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus.

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第三部分对本案合同能否适用情事变更制度进行了分析。The third part analysis whether this contract could apply to the system of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus.

债券之发行、期满、买回或有依规定核给股份之情事者。The issuance, maturity, or repurchase of bonds, or the allotment of shares in accordance with regulations.

劳动检查员有违法或失职情事者,任何人得根据事实予以举发。Any person may report with facts, any violation of laws and un-fulfillment of the duties of the labor inspector.

晶片本身的设计可防止外力读取,而且卖方如果怀疑有不法情事,还可以把金钥做作废。The chip itself is designed to be tamperproof . Still, vendors can revoke keys if they suspect illicit activity.

此外,真正的统治者,从某些方面看来是一位,相信,Thrasymachus,believes,有勇气为自身利益,而做出不公情事的人。Again, the true ruler, in some ways, is one, Thrasymachus who has the courage to act unjustly for his own interest.

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她知道孩子与牙医的预约,孩子的情事,孩子的好朋友,孩子喜欢的食物,孩子害怕的事物,孩子的目标和理想。She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.

接下来通过对德国、法国、英美等国家的判例进一步分析,并研究、学习情事变更原则在上述国家的认定标准。Thirdly focuses on cases in Germany, France, UK and US, analyzes the determining standards of POCC in these countries.

从这话里,除了能窥测出他对这一无法衡量出的情事之紧张的思考程度,还能推断出什么呢?What could you make of that, except to suspect some intensity in his conception of the affair that couldn't be measured?

无论如何,那种新鲜感、那种情事的质朴自然将不再重来。A second eventuality of the same order is unlikely—in any case the freshness, the artlessness of the event would be lost.

情事变更原则是现代各国处理合同问题的一项重要原则。The principle of changed circumstances is one of the important principles dealing with contract problems in many countries.

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有下列情事之一者,依劳动契约第八条第二款规定发给警告函。Anyone who commits the following listed incidence according to the stipulation in the article 8.2 of the Employment Contract.

著名作家卡萨诺瓦,有很多情事,因此他的名字,成为一个唐璜性格类型的代名词。Casanova the famous writer who had lots of love affairs, so his name has become synonymous with a Don Juan type of character.

人间的许多情事其实也就只是时光所撒下的谎言,而我们却是愿意去为一个谎言执迷不悔,甚至追忆一生。Many cases of human is just the time had dropped, lies, and we are willing to go for a lie no regrets, even recall a lifetime.