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他的包中装了满满一包的卫生纸。His bag was heaped with tissues.

你不会在你的车子中装气囊。You don't install airbags in your cars.

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在杯子中装满水并用手拿住杯子。Fill a glass with a liquid and hold it in your hands.

服务舱的两个大气瓶中装有液态氧。Two large tanks in the service module held liquid oxygen.

储箱中装的东西是用泵排出的。Discharge of the contents of the tank is effected by a pump.

心中记安全,脑中装安全,口中讲安全,行动保安全。Mind, brain is safe, safe to speak, action to ensure safety.

集装箱中装的462个箱子中,只有一个完好无损。Of the 462 cases in the container, only one survived intact.

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在一个喷雾瓶中装上酒精,然后喷在车玻璃上。Fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spritz the car glass.

我不能让警察认出我,于是藏身在人群中装成了另一个人。To maintain my anonymity I have to be just another face in the crowd.

所有的入码器是可得的在同步器凸缘和夹子中装凸缘版本。All encoders are available in synchro flange and clamp flange versions.

在这件T恤内缝的暗袋中装上3节AAA电池作为它的能源.Three AAA batteries used to power the shirt sit in hidden, sewn-in pockets.

模型中装有小型加速器用以记录其运动状态的数据。A small recording accelerometer in the model furnishes data on its behavior.

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内装、外装、中装三种安装方式,节省库内部空间,外表美观。Door can be fixed inside, outside and in middle to save inner space and look nice.

在食品发放库里面,志愿者们已经组成了一条流水线往棕色的纸袋中装食物。Inside, volunteers have formed an assembly line to fill brown paper bags with food items.

设备中装有可供选择的限位器,在任何位置处均可打开或关闭。With optional Limit Stops, the valve can be set to open or close to any partial position.

不仅包装非常精致,而且月饼馅更是有鲍鱼、鱼翅等,还有的月饼盒中装有高档名贵的酒……These mooncakes are not only in delicate wrap, but also contain abalones and shark’s fins.

若是生产的面包已经过了两天,将其用箔纸密封,放在冷藏袋中装在冷藏柜。After two days, wrap the bread in foil, place in a freezer bag, and store it in the freezer.

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德国汉堡的圣诞集市中装扮成圣诞老人的男女摆造型合影。Men and women dressed as Santa Claus were taking photos in the Christmas Market in Hamburg, Germany.

盒中装有四至五样化妆品小样,例如睫毛膏或护手霜等,部分产品则可能为较大容量包装。One box includes four to five cosmetics samples such as mascara or hand lotion, some in larger sizes.

岩石中装药爆炸产生的爆破能量可分为爆炸冲击波能量和爆生气体膨胀能量。The explosive energy of charge in rock is composed of shock wave energy and gaseous explosive energy.