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训练过程中持续保持呼吸不要屏气。Continue to breathe throughout the exercise and don’t hold your breath.

在没有老师指导的情况下,任何一个动作都不要屏气。Don't hold your breath in any posture or without your teacher's instructions.

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白鹿与五弟子分坐周围,屏气凝听。White deer and 5 disciples sat by him, holding their breath and listened carefully.

他购买了新的秒表,并实行屏气的医疗治疗跳水池。He purchased a new stop watch and was practicing breath-hold diving in a medical-therapy pool.

屏气PET是可用的,以及呼吸门控PET是也在顺利发展。Breath-hold PET is available already, and respiratory-gated PET is also well under development.

他们是水陆两栖生物,肺部发达,能够长时间屏气。They are an amphibious species with hardy lungs capable of holding breath for extended periods.

结论1。单次屏气MRCP是一种显示胆胰管的优秀MR成像技术。Conclusions 1. Single breath-hold MRCP is a good MRI technique in displaying bile-pancreas duct.

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Leanne决定挑战屏气的最长时间,我决定要做一个世界上最大的曲奇饼。Leanne settled on holding her breath for the longest time, and I decided to make the world’s largest cookie.

在水下我有一种特殊的屏气和游泳方法,也就在这时,我会产生灵感。I have a spe¬cial way of holding my breath and swimming underwater that' s when I come up with my best ideas.

目的评价正常肺磁共振屏气平扫的图像特征和质量。Objective To evaluate the image characteristics and quality of MR plain scan with breath-holding in normal lungs.

锻炼全身肌肉的每个动作可重复10~18次,做时要求动作准确,不要屏气。Each action that exercise whole muscle's could be repeated 10-18 times, requested action accurate, not held one's breath.

我屏气静气地望着房间的另一头,远远地凝视着猎人那艰深的眼眸,而他则以兴奋的眼光回答我。I stared without breathellong across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me.

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在运动时最好把注意力都集中在收缩的盆底肌上,不要随意活动腹部、大腿或者臀部的肌肉,避免屏气。For best results, focus on tightening only your pelvic floor muscles. Be careful not to flex the muscles in your abdomen, thighs or buttocks.

使脑血流增加的激发试验包括CO_2吸入试验、屏气试验、乙酰唑胺试验等。The provocation test that makes cerebral blood flow increase includes CO_2 inhalation test, breath holding test, and acetazolamide test, etc.

比如举重无氧运动,他需要短时间内用力屏气,这种运动增强了肌肉的力量,加快了运动的速度。Such exercises as weight-lifting are anaerobic , which require brief spurts of intense effort. They improve muscle strength or build up speed.

屏气电影MRI测量左室功能指标的变异系数均小于超声心动图测量左室功能指标的变异系数。The coefficient of variation of left ventricular function indicators in breath-hold cine MRI measured is less than that echocardiography measured.

屏气时脑血流增加,并且冷水对面部的刺激可诱发潜水反射,促进脑血流的增加。It is suggested that cerebral blood flow may increase during breath-hold, and that cold stimulation on face could cause diving reflex and then accelerate this increase.

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目的通过比较屏气电影MRI和超声心动图两种方法所测量的左心功能指标的变异系数,评价其对左室功能指标测量的准确性及可靠性。Objective To compare the left ventricular function indicators measured with breath-hold cine MRI and echocardiography, and evaluate the accuracy and reliability of between two methods.

即使是在满世界都屏气凌神地看着双方进入另一轮谈判,期待着问题得到圆满解决之时,这个时间差距仍存在。This time gap should be kept in mind as the two sides enter yet another round of negotiations with the world watching breathlessly, waiting for quick fixes and a happy conclusion of the conflict.