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我将为你转接给林涛。I'll get Lintao for you.

你是林涛吗?—是的。Are you Lin Tao? —Yes, I'm.

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大卫,你认识林涛吗?David, do you know Lin Tao?

林涛拥有最多的选票。Lin Tao won the most votes.

林涛带着队伍出发了。Lin tao set out with the team.

林涛看起来像他的兄弟。Lin Tao looks like his brother.

紧追其后的是林涛。Not far behind him was Lin Tao.

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他不知道林涛的地址。He doesnt know Lin Taos address.

你和林涛都在一年级吗?。Are you and Lin Tao in Grade One?

林涛比迈克高得多。Lin Tao is much taller than Mike.

林涛的英语讲得特别好。Lin Tao speaks English very well.

林涛正在隔壁的房间里唱歌。Lin Tao is singing in the next room.

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林涛正忙着做飞机模型。LinTao is busy making a model plane.

魏华是被林涛叫来的。Wei Hua is asked to come by Lin Tao.

吉姆告诉林涛他是怎样度过这一天的。Jim told Lin Tao how to spend the day.

吉姆告诉林涛去伦敦带些什么。Jim told Lin Tao what to bring to England.

林涛和李雷是在那边游泳吗?Are Lin Tao and Li Lei swimming over there?

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林涛和李蕾都正在体育馆。Both Lin Tao and Li Lei are in the library.

林涛坐在教室的前面。Lin Tao sits in the front of his classroom.

c除林涛外,全体同学也都去公园了。All the students went to the park besides Lin Tao.