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他们也会被削减一半配额的口粮。They may also be put on half-rations.

你的工作是销售并且完成自己的配额。Your job is to sell and make your quota.

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中国即将进入“无配额时代”。China will soon enter the quota-free times.

最终正告磁盘配额的时期和工夫。Date and time of last warning about disk quota.

挪威鲭鱼的捕捞配额快用完了。The Norwegian mackerel quota will soon be over.

指定下载配额为自动检索。Specify download quota for automatic retrievals.

政府对于汽车进口实挺进口配额。The government has imposed an import quota on car.

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基于种姓的雇佣配额只会是另一个负担。Caste-based hiring quotas would be just another burden.

现在检查用户配额的设置是否符合预期。Now check if the setting of the user quota worked as desired.

美国控诉中国对原材料设置出口税及出口配额。US accuse China for setting export duties and quotas on them.

国家限定的猎狼配额是220条。The state set a quota of 220 in its first regulated wolf hunt.

按照一些条款,配额可以在渔船之间交易。Subject to certain conditions, quotas can be traded among boats.

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需要为刚才创建的文件系统启用配额特性。Newly created filesystems need to be enabled for handling quotas.

配额是可以或不可以转移的、继承的或交易的。Quotas may or may not be transferable, inheritable , or tradable.

利用B-S模型对欧盟配额进行定价校验。Conduct pricing and verification of EU quota by adopting B-S model.

进出口政策包括进口配额和滑准税。Import and export policies including import quotas and sliding tax.

非配额移民在其间每一年都占绝对多数。Non-quota immigrants were an absolute majority in every single year.

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然而,配额只能够告诉用户是否快耗尽了磁盘空间。Quotas, however, only tell the user if they are using up disk space.

配额应定低于均衡数量,才能有效。To be effective, quota should be set below the equilibrium quantity.

分配额也很低,有限责任合伙人就无法注册新的基金。With distributions also low, LPs were unable to sign up for new funds.