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不要沉迷于过去不可自拔。Don't hang on to the past.

这一点一滴的小事让我无法自拔The littlest things that take me there

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这场灾祸让他陷入困境,难以自拔。The disaster had brought him to his knees.

恋爱得无力自拔的朋友。Ribbing a friend for being helplessly in love.

我爱上了它,看得我无法自拔呀。I felt in love wif this can't stop watching it.

我紧紧捧住它,如今我已无法自拔。I held them closely, and now I cannot break away.

你是否时常感到深陷琐事无力自拔?Do you sometimes feel that you are stuck in a rut?

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亲爱的,请看我一眼,我的爱已无法自拔。Darlin, look at me, I've fallen like a fool for you.

只为一个笑,而迷恋于那卑微的回忆里不可自拔。Just for a laugh, and have a crush on the low memory.

她支持他当药物成瘾无法自拔时。She stood by him as he spiralled into drug addiction.

而一旦抵制这种状态,你会深陷其间难以自拔。When you resist the state you’re in, you perpetuate it.

那些仍旧犯罪的人,也将仍旧在患难中难以自拔。Those that sin still, must expect to be in trouble still.

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工人们陷入贫困的怪圈里,无力自拔。Workers are trapped in a cycle of poverty with no escape.

还是吴王夫差沉溺于西施的温柔乡中无法自拔?Or the indulgence of Fuchai, the Wu king in Xishi, the Yue Beauty?

在今天,教师教育依然在技术主义的漩涡里不可自拔。Teacher education can not still pull itself from technical whirlpool.

世界上最难以自拔的除了牙齿,还有爱情…Things most hard to pull out in the world , besides teeth , but Love.

他是个无法自拔的混球,认为自己是只狡猾的狐狸?That he is an irrepressible jackass who thinks of himself as a sly fox?

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今天,我们心情沉重,几乎难以自拔。Today, our hearts are heavy with a burden almost too difficult to bear.

她从那时开始陷入了深深的痛苦,感觉自己被两个所爱的男人攫住,无法自拔。She had since then been in agony, felt caught between two men she loves.

他们只是,内心永远地深陷于悲惨的童年中,不可自拔。So they’re stuck, they’re mired in the misery of their childhood forever.