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他们在磨房附近发现了一种稀有金属。They found a rare metal near the mill.

黑色岩系将成为PGE和稀有金属的一种新来源。Black shales will become a new resource of PGE and rare metals.

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几种货币和稀有金属周五都创了近几年甚至是历史上新高。Several currencies and precious metals hit all-time or multiyear highs Friday.

这些硬币是由稀有金属制成的圆形块状物,上面印有其重量。These coins were round lumps of precious metal with their weight stamped on them.

居里夫妇开始对一种稀有金属——铀的特性产生了浓厚的兴趣。Now the Curies became interested in the strange behavior of a rare metal , uranium.

本文介绍了稀有金属合金丝材拉丝用的快速加热电炉。The article introduces a furnace for fast heating of rare alloy wires during drawn.

这些项目涉及油、气方面,以及黑色金属、有色金属和稀有金属方面。These projects cover oil, gas and ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and rare metals.

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贸易商表示,与稀土元素相比,全球对稀有金属的需求不那么受制于中国。In comparison with earths, demand for minor metals is less beholden to China, traders say.

镍是一种稀有金属元素,也是动植物和人的必需营养微量元素。Nickel is one of the rare metals, and it is indispensable to plant, animal and human beings.

通货膨胀是推动新兴市场货币和稀有金属上涨的主要因素。Rising inflation is a key factor driving the emerging market currencies and precious metals.

湖南省主要有铌、钽、铷、铯、锂、铍、锆等稀有金属及稀土金属矿床。There are mainly Nb, Ta, Rb, Cs, Li, Be, Zr etc. rare metals and RE deposits in Hunan province.

湘东北海蓝宝石产于含稀有金属花岗伟晶岩中。Aquamarine occurs in rare metal-bearing granite-bearing granite-pegmatitesof northeastern Hunan.

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这样优选采矿方法对于开采极薄矿脉的黄金矿山、有色及稀有金属矿山具有现实意义。It has realistic meaning for the mines of gold and non-ferrous metals which mine extra narrow veins.

对近年来含稀有金属元素的催化剂和颜料领域的研究与开发进展作了扼要介绍。This artide describes the study and development of catalyst& pigment con taming rare metal elements.

同时,针对山西铝厂的赤泥回收稀有金属提出了新的工艺。Meantime, a new technology for recovering these metals from the red mud of Shanxi Aluminum is proposed.

公司产品包括钼、钽、铌、钨、锆及其合金的丝、管、带、箔等稀有金属深加工材料。Our products include wires, tubes, ribbons and foils of rare metals such as Mo, Ta, Nb, W, Zr and their alloys.

本厂生产的稀有金属是收旧利废,从废铜烂铁中提炼出来的。Rare metals are extracted by our factory from scrap iron and copper obtained by recycling the obsolete and waste.

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主要组分是稀有金属或半导体纳米晶体和有机染料高分子或共轭高分子材料。Nobel metal and semiconductor nanocrystals will be used. Organic dyes and conjugated polymers will be synthesized.

稀有金属和其他商品日益上涨的价格也使得许多非洲资源丰富的国家从中受益。Rising prices of precious metals and other commodities have also benefited many other resource-rich African countries.

目前,钨和稀有金属矿产的勘探和开采都必须直接经由国土资源部直接考核和审批。MLR is now directly in charge of examining and approving exploration and mining rights for tungsten and rare earth minerals.