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你有亲密的朋友吗?Do you have close friends?

他和爸爸的关系亲不亲密?Is he close to his father?

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但亲密接触也有代价。But intimacy has its costs.

宝贝是一种亲密的称呼。Baby is a term of endearment.

兹德涅克是我最亲密的朋友。Zdenek was my dearest friend.

刘莺是我最亲密的朋友。Liu Ying is my closest friend.

他是我最亲密的朋友之一。He’s one of my closest friends.

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他们还是非常亲密。They're still very buddy-buddy.

艾密莉来自一个关系亲密的家庭。Emily comes from a close family.

我的狗乔和我的关系很亲密。My dog, Jo, is very close to me.

性爱本身是一种亲密的行为。Sex by itself is an intimate act.

亲密的拥抱,脖颈处温暖的呼吸。Spooning, warm breath on my neck.

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泰华-是的,看。我们多么亲密?。Taehwa-Yes, See. how close we are?

亲密的家系设计是理想的。The compact family design is ideal.

费欧娜和我是亲密的朋友。You know I love Fiona, boss, right?

沙科塔是她的表妹和亲密伙伴。Sakota was her cousin and bosom pal.

Mutko是阿布亲密的盟友。Mutko was a close ally of Abramovich.

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他是帮助你实现梦想的最亲密的伙伴!He is the closest ally of your dreams!

我喜欢籍籍无名和亲密感。I loved the anonymity and the intimacy.

这些名字避开了任何亲密的暗示。These names avoid any hint of intimacy.